Its Time

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I was cleaning around our pod, just picking up some things and cleaning out ran in sand

I bent down to pick up some shells Light and Nima brought in when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach making me gasp, and no one was home

Light and Nima were out with the Sully kids and Tsu'tey was out fishing with Jake

I tried to just breathe and calm down hoping it would help, it worked for awhile so I just brushed it off

I continued to clean up when I decided to get some fresh air and go for a walk to just clear my head

I walked along the beach feeling the water splash against my feet, I held my stomach, excited to see my new little baby

As I made my way down the beach I saw Tsu'tey and Jake throwing their nets out

"HEY BABY!" I yelled out waving to him, that's when I felt that pain in my stomach again making me lean over breathing heavily

I heard footsteps in the sand getting closer, that's when Tsu'tey kneeled infront of me holding my belly

"My love what's wrong? Is the baby coming?" He asked and I could see the panic in his eyes

"I.....I don't know *gasp* I doesn't feel like that, I think somethings wrong" that's when I screamed as another wave of pain shot through me, falling to my knees, thankfully he caught me

Jake was by us now, he helped Tsu'tey pick me up and quickly carry me to Ronal

Everything felt like a blurry, a jumble of words, I couldn't focus on anything just praying to Eywa my baby was going to be okay

"What's wrong with her?" Tsu'tey asked as he sat behind me, holding me

"The baby is trying to come out somethings wrong, it's......there's two babies" Ronal said

I wanted to be happy but I didn't know what was happening

"Why would that be a problem?"

"They're big, bigger than normal, they are tearing her skin from the inside, she needs to give birth now" Ronal said as she got ready

"Jake please get Light and Nima" Tsu'tey stated and Jake ran off

I held onto Tsusteys thighs, I was always scared to give birth, with Light and Nima I was scared but everything was fine, but now something is wrong and I couldn't take it

"Tsu'tey.....if something happens please love these babies, and take care of our daughters" I said looking back up at him

"Shhhh don't speak like that, you will be fine, you are strong, you got through Light and Nima, you can do this, I won't let anything happen to you my love" he said wiping my tears

I felt them coming and I started to sweat

"Momma! Momma are you okay?" Nima asked as they both ran in and sat next to me

"I'm okay babies, I'm having twins, they're coming right now" I said smiling hoping not to show my fear to them

Neteyam was sat next to Light but I didn't mind, if anything happened I wanted him there for her

"Ronal they're coming"

She got settled between my legs, removing the loincloth

"Okay it's time to push"

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