New friend

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(Okay guys I started this story before the new movie so let's just pretend that Jake and neytiri already had neteyam but light hasn't met him because he was never at the childrens groups)

That night everyone sat around a fire while having supper, you stayed very close to Tsu'tey, you missed him more than you knew, you just wanted to be alone with him and light

"Can we go to the spirit trees?" You whispered to him

He looked at you with his big eyes for a moment before he held your lower back and helped you up

You quickly but quietly got away from the tribe and headed for the trees, light was secure against Tsu'tey chest as he was holding her with one arm and his other was around your waist

"I missed you" you said breaking the silence

"I missed you too my love" he smiled

You loved how you were the only one that got to see the love in his eyes and the way he looked at you made you feel like you were his whole life, his destiny, his purpose for living and you could feel that when you would connect

"I missed you too papa" light chimes in and she tried to climb up higher on his chest

"Well you know I missed you more my little light" he said making her giggle

You finally got to the trees and sat down on the soft ground

"So have you made any new friends light?" Tsu'tey asked her because we were both worried about her

She became quiet and quickly left Tsu'tey and made her way into your lap, hiding her face in your chest, you knew she had been trying but none of the other children took a liking to her and you didn't know why she was so kind and pure hearted

"She's been trying really hard to make friends but it's just not working, but that's okay you'll make a new friend soon I'm sure of it" you said trying to cheer her up

"Ya I remember when I was younger I had a hard time fitting in with the tribe but now I'm the leader of the hunting group" Tsu'tey said as he rubbed her on the back

She finally looked up with big teary eyes


"Yes and just like mama said you'll make a friend I promise!" He said

"Okay" she said as she sighed

You and Tsu'tey looked at eachother with worry

"So how is the baby?" Tsu'tey asked which made light perk up

"Oh papa mama said that the baby is going to be here soon and then I'll be a big sister and I'll get to protect it and then I'll be strong like you!" She squealed in excitement

"You're already strong light! Just in a different way, you're like mama, she's beautiful and kind and helpful to everyone"

"I'm gonna be the best sister, right?!"

"Of course sweetie!" You said but you heard noise near by

You all looked over and Tsu'tey covered you both in protection, only to realize that it was Jake and neytiri playing with Neteyam

You and Tsu'tey have met Neteyam once when Jake brought him hunting just to show him how things work. Neteyam was a few months older than Light, he was a quiet child too and you thought that maybe they would be good friends if neytiri allowed it

You slowly stood up with light holding onto your hand tightly

"Wanna meet a new friend?" You asked her

She just nodded and then the three of you made your way over to them

"Hey Jake, Neytiri, we thought it would be a good idea for Light and Neteyam to meet!"

"That's a great idea" Jake said as he put Neteyam down

"Go ahead son introduce yourself!" Jake said as he gently pushed him forward

He made his way over to Light and she let go of your hand and walked towards him as well, which surprised all four of you

"Hello my name is Neteyam!"

"I'm Light!" She said sweetly

They were both blushing and quiet for a moment as you all just observed them

"I love your hair" Neteyam said as he touched her little white braids

"Thank you" she said as she put her hand on his, he then noticed her hands

"Wow you have hands just like fathers" he said surprised

He looked back at Jake with a questioning look

"Is she like you too?" He asked Jake

"Partly, her mother (y/n) is just like me and thats probably why she has 5 fingers" he said

Neteyam looked back at Light with wonder it was like the same look Tsu'tey had when he saw you and it warmed your heart

"Do you wanna be friends?" Light asked nervous

"Yes I wanna be friends with you!" Neteyam said excited

You all knew just from this little interaction they were destined to be more than friends

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