Training Together

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3 years later~

Neteyam and Light are both 4 now and Nima was 3, after you had Nima neytiri and Jake quickly had their second son Lo'ak, who seemed to be more like Jake when you first met him but just like Neteyam and Light he took a liking to Nima but in a different way, they had a cute friendship, they acted more like brother and sister while Neteyam and Light grew even closer over the years and now they're at the age to start training and becoming a strong member of the tribe

"Me and Jake are going to take Neteyam and light out hunting today, we will be back soon love" he said kissing you

Before they left you talked to light, you kneeled down in front of her and held her hands

"Are you ready for today sweetie?" You asked

"Yes mama! I've waited forever to be like everyone else here, I want to make you and papa proud!" She beamed

"You already make us proud! Just make sure to stay close to papa, Jake and Neteyam and listen okay" you knew how dangerous it got out there you just wanted her to be safe

"I promise!"

"Okay now run along and be good to papa" you said and she ran over to the other three

While they were gone you stayed with neytiri while Nima and Lo'ak played around near you both

"How have things been with Neteyam and Lo'ak?" You asked trying to make conversation

You and neytiri had your problems in the past but you're trying to get past that to make a friend and for the sake of the kids

"Things have been a bit tough with the kids always fighting but they are my family now and I love them" she said as she worked on making weapons

"I understand, Light and Nima fight sometimes, mostly because Light gets jealous of how Nima looks more like everyone else"

"She will realize she was blessed, her hair is just a physical trait Eywa gave her that we can see, but when she grows and learns our ways her connection with Eywa and nature will be stronger than others" neytiri said in her calm wise tone

"What are your boys fighting about?"

"The same as yours, jealousy, but your girls have been helping, Nima brings out the good in Lo'ak, even when he is not happy, and it is clear that there is something between Neteyam and Light" she said smiling

You didn't know what to say but her words made you happy. After a long day of taking care of Nima and working on things for the tribe, it was finally time that Tsu'tey and Light came back

She ran towards you and threw herself into your arms giggling excited

"Mama everything went so well today, papa showed me how to shoot an arrow and I even caught a fish!" She said as you hugged her close than put her back down

Tsu'tey finally made his way over to you and pulled you into a kiss as you wrapped your arms around his slim waist

"She did amazing, she learns quickly, just like you did" he smirked

"Papa when can I learn to hunt?" Nima said as she pulled on his leg, wanting up

Tsu'tey picked her up with ease and held her close

"When you are 4 I will teach you our ways and you will be a strong warrior just like me and your mama!" He said as she laid her head against his chest

"And how was Neteyam?" You asked Light

Whenever you mentioned him she blushed

"He did better than me but he said we would both be great and he would help me too!" She said shyly

"I'm glad you did good! But tomorrow you and Nima are going to be staying with Jake and Neytiri because me and papa are going hunting for the day and over night" you said as you caught a smirk form on Tsu'tey's face

You and him haven't had alone time in a very long time so you asked neytiri if she could watch them and she gladly accepted as long and we did the same for her and Jake

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