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It had been a week since your little incident with Tutean and ever since then you have been on edge and tried to stay away from him

But today was different, Tsu'tey was out hunting so you were helping out with taking care of the children, Light was growing fast and the other children loved playing with her, you were fine with keeping her with them because you knew they were sweet kids. After a while of watching and playing with them you went to bring her for a walk in the fast growing tree of souls

When you got there you sat down and admired Light, she was the cutest thing you have ever seen. She lifts her little arms and reaches for your hair, she giggled while playing with it, the moment was perfect until you heard noises coming closer to you

Scared it was one of the dangerous animals on Pandora, you stood up quick and held Light close

You turned around and it was Tutean, a different kind of fear filled you

"What are you doing here?" you asked scared

"I just wanted to talk to you" he said stepping closer

"About what?" you glared

"You know you shouldn't breast feed around the males of the clan, it might send the wrong message"

"But all the other mothers do it" you asked confused

"Well not all the other mothers look like you" he said as he pulled you close

"Let me go"

"Why would I do that, you should be my mate not Tsu'tey's" he said as he pushed you down

Pain raked through your body and Light started crying from all the panic happening

"I will get you one day, you will be mine" he said angry as he walked away

You sat there shaking in fear, you tried to hold the tears in not wanting to scare Light anymore than she already was so you started swaying her back and forth

"Shhhhh everything is okay" you said and eventually she calmed down

You quickly fed her but you didn't know where to go, you couldn't go back you were scared so you decided to go to the place Tsu'tey brought you last night, it was gonna be a bit of a journey but you didn't know where else to go

By the time you got there it was dark, you just hoped that Tsu'tey would know you were here

~Tsu'tey POV~

I got back from hunting and started looking for y/n and Light, it was the best part of my day, coming back from hunting and seeing them but I couldn't find them

I started asking around and the only one who knew anything was Neytiri

"Neytiri have you seen y/n at all today?"

"I saw her earlier near the tree of souls, i also saw Tutean following her, why do you ask?"

I didn't say anything and ran off to the trees but she wasn't there and panic set in. I ran around when I finally found Tutean, I pushed him hard down to the ground

"Where is she, what did you do to her" i yelled at him

"She will be mine Tsu'tey" he smirked evilly


"I don't know she probably just ran away"

I couldn't find her anywhere else so I went to the only place I could think where she would be, i got on my dire horse and rode until i got to where I brought her last night and as I thought, they were both there

I jumped off and ran over to her quickly kneeling in front of you

~Normal POV~

You looked up and saw Tsu'tey, he found you, he looked nervous, scared and angry all at once. He held your cheeks and made you look at him

"What did he do to you?" he asked

"He.....he wouldn't leave me alone and then he started talking about how i shouldn't breast feed because the other males shouldn't see my body and how he won't stop until im his and then he shoved me to the ground....please don't let him take me Tsu'tey, please I was so scared" you said crying

"I will never let him touch you again, when we get back I will talk to Mo'at and see what she thinks of everything okay and until then i won't leave your side"

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