My Love

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Time skip 3 months~

I was now 4 months pregnant and I was huge, way bigger than what I was when I was pregnant with Light and Nima but I didn't mind I just wanted the baby to be healthy

As I was deep in thought Tsu'tey came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my belly and laid his head on my shoulder, peppering kisses on my neck

"How are you feeling my love?" He whispered

Ever since I told him about my struggles he always checked up on me and he was even more affectionate

"I'm feeling good, the baby is a bit heavy  though"

He moved his hands down and lifted my bump making me gasp out in comfort

"Ugh that feels so much better"

We swayed around for a bit, getting moments alone were precious to me

"Do you think we'll have a girl again?" I asked

"I don't know, but either way I don't care if it's a boy or girl, as long as they are happy and healthy"

"I'd love a little boy, just as handsome as his dad" I smiled back at him

"Mooooom" I heard Nima yell as she ran in with a big smile on her face

"What is it sweetie" I asked as I walked towards her

"Ao'nung asked me to be his girlfriend! Can you believe it!" She squealed

"Oh Nima that's amazing I'm so happy for you! As long as he treats you right then this is fine by me"

"You know I'm here to rough him up if he breaks your heart my little girl" Tsu'tey said making me laugh

"Thanks mom and dad!" She said as she hugged us both then ran back down to the beach

"They are growing up so fast, I'm glad we are having another baby, I miss when they were small and never wanted to leave our sides" I said as I started crying, these damn hormones

"Oh baby they are always going to come back to us when they need advice or anything really" he said wiping my tears

I laid my head on his chest and tried to calm down

"I suppose you're right"

"Plus I can give you as many babies as you want, I'm not going to complain" he smirked making me blush

I lightly smacked his chest looking up at him laughing at me

"Tsu'tey don't tempt me"

"Oh come on love, it's been awhile, I need some love too, and plus I miss touching you, you know I love every moment with you" he smirked as he laid me down on our bed

"Hmmm I guess it wouldn't hurt, I miss you too and since the kids or out for the day this is the best time, so whip it out" I laughed

I heard him laugh under his breath

I sat up and pushed him down, straddling his lap

"I love you Tsu'tey" I said as I traced my fingers over his body, he was still well toned but over the years he put on a few pounds but I loved it, he was still a muscular, I'd say he has a dad bod for Navi standards not like on earth

"I love you Tsu'tey" I said as I traced my fingers over his body, he was still well toned but over the years he put on a few pounds but I loved it, he was still a muscular, I'd say he has a dad bod for Navi standards not like on earth

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He was yummy, it was hard focusing every time I was around him

"I love you too baby" he said as he thrusted his hips up against me making me moan

Being pregnant has made me extra sensitive, he sat up and removed my breast covering, he gently rubbed my breasts and it felt like heaven he always knew how make me feel like I was on cloud 9

He reached behind my back and brought my braid forward gently, I did the same with his just holding our queues far enough apart that they couldn't attach, they reached for one another as if it was our own small versions of our selves

I moved it forward and again we were one, gasping from the overwhelming love, just sitting there for a moment enjoying just being here with him

"You are mine forever" he whispered

"And you are mine"

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