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It had been a week since you and Tsu'tey confessed to each other but you still had a feeling in your gut about his situation with Neytiri

It was night time and you decided to sit out on a branch of the home tree for a bit to relax

After a while you heard someone climbing fast in your direction, you opened your eyes and saw a nervous Tsu'tey, wide eyed

"Tsu'tey, whats wrong" you asked alarmed

"I couldn't find you and I was scared I had lost you" he said calming down a bit

"You could never lose me" you said smiling weakly

"Are you okay?" he asked holding your hands

"There is something that has been bothering me" you stated

He didn't speak and was ready to listen

"I know you told me how you felt about me but......what about Neytiri, will the clan leaders allow you to be with me? I don't want to cause a problem in the clan even though it would break me, I just don't want to be the second choice if you actually want to be with Neytiri" you stated as a tear rolled down your check

"I told are the one I want not Neytiri, I was thinking of talking to Mo'at to see if she will agree, seeing as its pretty obvious Neytiri has taken a liking to that Jake guy" he said as he wiped your tears away

"Tsu'tey......I don't want to wake up, i don't wanna go back I wanna stay here with you and all the other Navi" you said upset

"Maybe there is something Mo'at can do, I don't want you to go either, I want you to stay...forever" he said

"I love you" you finally said

He looked a bit shocked at first

"I love you too" he said smiling

"After your Banshee ceremony you will become a part of the Navi people and you will be free to pick a mate" he said

"I guess we will have to see who i chose then" you said giggling

He laughed as he brought you down to sleep

You woke up in your link, you get out to see Grace and Norm

"How is it going so far?" they asked

"Its....more than amazing, its hard to explain" you said walking off to your room to study more

You barely spent time with jake and them, you just wanted to be with Tsu'tey

~1 week later~

It was time for yours and jakes banshee cermony and you were beyond nervous

After climbing up the floating mountains you finally got there

"Jake Sully will go first" Tsu'tey said

As you watched Jake struggle you got extremely nervous, you turned to Tsu'tey with a scared look on your face and he noticed

He pulled you away from the others

"It will be okay just do as I told you, act fast and make the bond, you can do this" he said

You took a deep breath and walked towards the Ikran, it was now your turn

You walked through the Ikran as they hissed and flew off, you were starting to think one wasn't going to pick you

Then from behind you, you heard hissing, you turned around and saw a beautiful green and blue Ikran, you knew what to do

You threw your wrap around its mouth and jumped on its back, it was thrashing around, it was hard to make the bond after a while you were able to hold the ikran down and make the connection, it felt different from the direhorse , it felt freeing

"You must fly" Tsu'tey said

You dove off the mountain and flew with your Ikran, it felt so freeing

Then you heard another ikran fly beside you, you looked to see tsu'tey

"I DID IT" you yelled out in joy

"I told you, you could do it"

After flying for a while you both headed back to home tree

When you got there Tsu'tey brought you to one of the branches and painted you for the ceremony

"So who will you chose to be your mate" he asked

"hmmmm thats a tough decision" you said teasing him

He looked concerned for a second

"Well there are many good choices to pick from....there is" he tried to pretend like he wasn't upset

You put your hand on his check

"Im joking Tsu'tey, i want you, will you be my mate?"

"I would be honored" he said smiling

He pulled you into his lap, you took his braid and pulled it over his shoulder and he did the same with yours, then you connected your queues

You sighed out of pleasure, you closed your eyes, you could feel his heart beat, his breathing

You opened yours eyes and saw his beautiful yellow eyes looking back at you

"i see you" he said

"I see you" you replied as he pulled you into a passionate kiss

After everything you laid there enjoying each others presence, you looked into each others eyes

"We are now mated for life" he said as you slowly fell asleep

You woke up in your link and you saw everyone looking at you including jake

"Whats wrong?" you asked

"You were out for quiet a while what happened" grace asked

You intensely blushed

"You mated didn't you" norm asked

You didn't say anything and just ran off to your room

You laid in bed thinking, wishing you could wake up in your avatar and stop having to live here in your human body

Tsu'tey x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now