Middle of the Night

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It was the middle of the night and the village was quiet, Light had come back late but when she came in she had a smile from ear to ear, easy guess it was because of Neteyam

I could barely sleep, I was filled with anxiousness, wondering what was to come

Tsu'tey rolled over and pulled me close, his eyes slowly opened and he realized I was awake

"Why are you awake?" He asked as he laid on his side

"I just couldn't sleep is all" I said as I gave him a quick kiss

He smirked and stood up, placing his hand out to me

"Come" he said, I took his hand and he quietly pulled me outside to the beach

It felt like when we first met, so freeing

"Tsu'tey what are we doing?" I asked excited

"Easing your mind love" he said, stepping closer

He lifted my breast beads off over my head making me blush, and then untying my loin cloth

"What if someone sees Tsu'tey?" I asked trying to cover myself

"Don't worry everyone is asleep we just had to stay quiet" he said then taking off his cloth

He held both my hands and led me into the ocean, every move we made the water would burst with light, it was beautiful

We took deep breathes and went under, we swam around the reef and everything was glowing it was just like the forest, like home

I looked over at him and he was smiling at me, we resurfaced and he held me around my waist as I wrapped my arm around his shoulders

"We can make this work" he said smiling

"I missed this" i admitted

"Me too, we can make more time for ourselves now that the kids have grown, it will be like when I was training you, you know everytime I look at you it feels like the first time I laid eyes on you, you were always meant to be mine"

"I love you Tsu'tey you never fail to make me feel loved and beautiful even after having kids"

"I'm surprised that over the heads that we have only had 2 kids, especially with how much...." I stopped him before he could finish his sentence

"Tsu'tey you freak" I said laughing

"Are you atleast feeling better now?"

"Yes, much better, let's head inside and get some sleep"

This night assured me that it might just be perfect here

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