My Love Pt.2

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(This story is explicit so if you're not comfortable don't read)

"You are mine forever"

"And you are mine"

I started grinding down on him as I felt him get hard, it was a bit hard moving like usual while being pregnant but I didn't care right now

"Good you feel so good baby" he grunted

"Mmmm Tsu'tey I can't wait anymore I need you" I whined

He gently took off my loincloth and throwing it to the corner, then ripping off his own

I stated at his swollen member, I never got use to the size it always surprised me, it was blue and veiny and his tip was more purple, I wanted to suck him off so badly but it was going to have to wait

I was about to slide down his thick length when he flipped me over so I was on my back

"Tsu'tey what are you doing?" I whined

"I'm getting you ready baby it's been awhile" he wrapped his arms around my hips so half my body was in the air as my legs draped over his shoulder

The heat in his eyes looked like he hadn't eaten in years

He placed small kisses on my thighs making me whined

"Tsu'tey please I need you now" and with that he attached his mouth to my clit

"Ohhhh Eywa, that's it" I already felt fuzzy, his mouth was always so good

He moaned against my clit making me buck against his face but he held me tight, he skillfully worked his tongue on me, liking up from my slit back to my clit over and over again

I tried to muffle my moans since these pods weren't that thick

"Come on baby tell me how you feel" he said pulling back huffing for air as he dug back in

"It feels so good, I want more, I need more" I almost screamed when he bite down on my clit

"Do that again I'm...fuck I'm so close"

He bite down again on my swollen clit and I screamed in pleasure as I saw black dots blur my vision and he kept going, overstimulating me until I was finished

I was breathing heavily as he laid my hips back down onto the floor

As my vision came back to normal I saw him hovering over me as his hands were rubbing my thighs

"You okay baby" he asked kissing up my neck

"Ya.....that's was amazing" i huffed finally getting my breathe back to normal

"Well saddle up because I'm not done with you yet" he smirked, this man was gonna split me in two

He lifted me up and turned me around so I was on all fours

"Are you ready to take me?" He asked as he slapped my ass

"Yes just put it in already"

He slowly pushed into me, inch by inch and damn did I feel like the luckiest woman in the universe

After 10 inches he finally bottomed out and I heard him grunt, I loved hearing him moan

"Fuck you're still so tight"

I could take it so I started thrusting back into him to get him to move

He grabbed onto my hips definitely bound to leave bruises, he started slamming into me, each time hitting the perfect spot

"AAHHHH yes right there, fuck Tsu'tey you're so big" it felt like he was knocking the air out of my lungs

He reached around and started playing with my oversensitive clit, I had to cover my mouth or the whole village would hear me scream

He wrapped his hand around my tail for leverage as he continued to rearrange my guts

It hurts but felt so good at the same time, he's never done this before

"Fuck baby you're so addictive, i can still taste you on my lips FUCK" his words were pushing me closer to the edge and I was dripping

My legs started to shake but he kept going

"I love you so much, I want all of you"

"I....I love you too" I managed to get out

I couldn't take it anymore, I came tightening around him as I felt him twitched inside me I knew he was close, I kept moaning knowing that helped him

"Oh fuck I'm gonna fill you up baby" he said as he came in me, I could feel him cum dripping down my legs, he rarely ever fucked me, he made sex very intimate and loving but when he got like this it made me love him even more, he was a true man

He pulled out wiping my legs with his discarded loincloth, everytime he touched me I jolted from overstimulation

He lifted me and laid me on my side, covering me with an extra blanket

He laid under the blanket with me and held me close, pushing my hair out of my blushed face

"You did so good baby, did I go too hard" he asked rubbing my waist

"No I loved it, I see you Tsu'tey"

"I see you my love"

Guys I rarely right this kind of stuff but I felt like this story needed something more

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