After Math

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The war had ended and all the unwanted humans left back to earth. Only few were allowed to stay on Pandora. You were grateful everyday that Tsu'tey was alive and healthy and everyday you were getting bigger and bigger

You sat against a rock near the tree of souls, you were exhausted from being on your feet all day and with the baby it wasn't easy, you leaned your head back and tried to relax

Then you felt a presence next to you

"Love are you alright?" Tsu'tey asked as he placed his hand on your huge belly

"Im so tired" you said as you looked over at him with exhaustion written all over your face

"Come, you need rest" he said as he picked you up and brought you to the cliffs

"What are we doing here, I thought you said I needed rest" you said looking at him confused

He sat you both down with you between his legs and leaning back against his chest, the sun was setting and the gently breeze against your skin felt nice

"I thought we should get away from the others so it was more quiet and peaceful" he said as he held you close

"I think I am the luckiest girl in the whole universe" you said as you held his hands that were resting on your belly

"I could say the same but as a man" he said making you giggle

"Sleep my love" he said embracing you in a warm hug as you slowly drifted off to sleep, finally feeling safe

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