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You woke up in Tsu'teys arms smiling but then remembering that this might be your last time waking up with him

"Tsu'tey, wake up my love" you said as you pushed his hair back

"Morning" he said smirking

"Please be safe today" you said taking in all his features

"I will be as safe as I can, and you, be careful because Jake said their goal is to come here to the tree of souls and I don't want to come back here to see something has happened to you and the baby" he said

"I will be, i will pray to eywa that you are all protected"

Everyone was gathered around the tree doing war paint, you sat infront of Tsu'tey and did his painting, you slowly did his face paint smiling when you traced over his lips

He smirked down at you making you blush

"It amazes me how much of an affect you still have on me" you said placing a soft kiss to his cheek

"I have to leave now my love" he said as he walked to his banshee

You waddled up to him and as he mounted his banshee, you took his queue and connected it to yours, you felt his nervousness but most of all you felt his undying love for you

"I love you Tsu'tey, more than you could ever know" you said as you disconnected your queues

"I will come back to you"

He flew off leaving you there

Hours later and you were a nervous wreck you felt like something was wrong, then you saw banshee's landing around you

You ran up to Jake

"Jake where is Tsu'tey?" you asked nervous

"No one can find him" he said walking past you, you knew he never liked him

"Oh no oh no oh no" you got on your banshee and flew over the trees looking for any sign of where he could be, then you saw a hole in the trees and broken branches

You flew down and saw him laying there bleeding, your heart was beating extremely fast

You hopped off your banshee and ran over to him kneeling down beside him

"Tsu'tey what happened, you promised you would be alright" you said crying your heart out

He slowly raised his hand to your face

"Im sorry my love" he said as you could see the pain on his face

"No you can't leave me, i haven't even had our little baby yet, please don't go, I need you, I love you" you said placing your hand on his heart

"I will always be with you both, I will be with Eywa soon" he said making you cry harder

"No don't say that please, EYWA PLEASE DON'T TAKE HIM FROM ME" you screamed to the sky

You placed your forehead onto his and connected your queues for the last time so you could ease his pain and fill it with love

"You are the only one i have and will ever want" you said as you saw him close his eyes slowly

You sat there for an hour crying, then from the corner of your eye you saw his finger twitch and then his wounds slowly healed and the next thing you know, he is quickly sitting up and breathing quickly

"Oh my god, tsu'tey how is this possible" you asked as you were now right in front of him

"Eywa let me come back, she answered your call, only because you have done so much for us" he said pulling you into his lap

"You have no idea how scared and heart broken i felt thinking you were gone forever" you said holding him for dear life

"I will never leave you again"

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