Second birth

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Time skip a few months~~

You could feel you were getting close to having your baby, it was very active lately and light was extremely excited which you were happy about, the few months that she's spent with Neyetam it's brought both of them out of their shell, they've been more social with the tribe but they were still stuck at the hip

You were sitting around making a little baby outfit when it started kicking again, you groaned and tried to rub your belly to try and sooth the pain

Light noticed and she ran over

"Mama are you okay?" She asked concerned trying to rub your pain away too

"It's just your little sibling is kicking a lot"

Right when you said that her ears perked up and she turned around yelling out to Neyetam


In a second he was by her side with a worried expression

"What's wrong?"

She didn't say anything, she just took his hand and placed it on my belly waiting for it to kick

"Woah! Was that the baby?" He asked

"Yes it was they should be here any day and I'm sure the baby will love to play with you both when it can"

For the next couple of hours they sat around you asking questions and playing around, after you finished the little outfit you braided both their hairs, it was a fun day

"Do you like my hair?" Light asked Neteyam blushing

"It's pretty it looks just like mine but white!" He smiled as he played with her hair

"You both are adorable...." You were saying when a gush of water trickled down your legs making you gasp

"Mama what's happening?"

"Go find papa quick, the baby is coming"

Even though you have been through this before you were still scared, anything could happen

It took awhile for Light and Neteyam to find Tsu'tey but when they did he ran as fast as he could to you, bringing Jake and neytiri with him since Neteyam was there

"Are you ready?" Tsu'tey asked as he carried you to the members of the tribe that help with the birth

"I'm nervous" you said panicking

He laid you down when he got to the healers

"Everything will be fine okay, the first time you did amazing, so everything will be fine now" he said brushing your hair aside

Light crawled up onto the bed next to you

"You will be okay mama!" She said excited to meet her sibling

"Thank you sweetie...... Tsu'tey if anything happens..." he interrupted you before you could finish

"No don't say anything you'll be fine" you just nodded as you felt another contraction coming on

"I think it's time"

Timeskip to after the birth~

You held your new baby girl in your arms, she was beautiful she looked just like Tsu'tey, she had black hair and four fingers unlike you and light, she had a cute little tail and bright yellow eyes

Light sat at your side with anticipation all over her face, her and Tsu'tey were gently rubbing her hair

"Mama can I hold her?"

"Of course, Tsu'tey help Light hold her please" you said tired as he took her and held her in lights arms

"She looks just like you papa" she smiled

"What will you name her?" Neytiri asked as her Jake and Neteyam came over

"I named light so you can name her" you said to Tsu'tey

"How about Nima"

"I love it" you smiled

Neteyam stood by the bed next to Light and looked at them

"Wow, she's so small" he said

"I can't wait to have a little baby" light said, not shocking though because you said the same things when you were small

"Me too" Neteyam said looking at her as she held Nima close

"I told you it would be okay, because you are strong I see you"

"I see you Tsu'tey"

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