◇Chapter 2◇

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Tuesday, 8 May.

(Y/N)'s Pov

After Saying Goodbye to Chara and Lillie. I started to walk back home, not forgetting the mission from my boss.

"Whew, what a day.... and there's still more time until the target comes back." I muttered to Myself, then I decided to take an hour break before I start my mission.

I grab my phone and scroll around for a while, until I decided to play FNF for a while. "Hmm. Which one should I Play? Maybe I'll play Among us Mod first..." I said to Myself.

(This video is not mine, KUDOS to @Gegcoin✔)

I'm so absorbed with the game that i didn't realized that it was almost 9:45 pm. "Huh?! It's already 9 pm, I guess it's time to take out the target..." I said, as I started to change my outfit.

After changing my outfit, I decided to walk toward the target's house. Which thankfully is not that far, only took 30 minutes of walking.

As I were thinking a way to kill the target without alarming the police, suddenly I heard a women's voice from the kitchen. 'Kitchen huh...? Well that makes it easier..' I thought to Myself.

All I have to do is sneak into the house, spread oil around the room and lastly lit the fire on the oil. The only catch is to do it as quickly as I can while the owner is distracted AND burn her alive along with the house.

"It's a good thing that I brought some oil and matches with me..." I said smirking. quietly, I sneaked into the room and pours the oil around. When I finished pouring, I immediately lit up a fire and throws it toward the oil- burning the room quickly.

Smokes started to come out from the fire- alerting the woman. I quickly opened the window and jumped off from the house (thankfully only 2 floors), landing perfectly like a cat.

As I'm heading home, I couldn't help but think. Why would boss want me to kill that woman? Moreover, why would that woman want to try and seduce boss?

I decided to not to think about it, the less I know, the better you can say in court later. 'I doubt if the police can catch me, I don't really leave any evidence there.' I think to Myself smugly as I walked home to inform My boss about the  mission.

-time skip to My home-

"I'm home!" I announced loudly, silence immediately welcomes me from my trip. I let out a small sigh, sometimes I felt that the life of criminal makes me feel lonely... but who would want to date a criminal?

I look at the clock, it shows that it was already 11:05 pm. "Well, I better inform boss that I did the job.." I mumbled as I text the info for my boss. After I text your boss, I went to sleep immediately.

Before I could fully fall asleep, something inside my mind is nagging me that this mission is easy, Too easily that it was very suspicious....

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