◇Chapter 12◇

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About 12:55pm

(Y/n)'s POV:

"Thanks Sarv" I thanked her for leading me out from the Arcade before there's a chaos in the arcade during a blackout.

"No need to thank me, glad I remembered where's the Exit." Sarv told me no need to thank her.

"Should we head home? Feel bad for Ruv alone there..." Sarv Suggests to head home since she felt bad leaving Ruv alone in the Church.

"Sure, why not? We got nothing to do here either." I agreed with Sarv about returning home...

---------Mean While-------

No one's Pov:

'что она делает вчера ... пытается украсть Джуэл?' Ruv ponder while trying to figure it out why.

"все еще видеть, как она врезалась в одну из колонн, довольно забавно." Ruv utter more likely confused. By what happens to your mind

Ruv stare at the paper that Sarv left for him. That Sarv and Y/n are heading out. Cuz Y/n need to purchase a few Spare clothes...


Sarv and Y/n started to head home of course they have to go to the basement in the mall.
But when they reach the Elevator Y/n freeze immediately.

"Y/n why did you stop? Forget something?" Sarv question Y/n looking slightly Confused.
But Y/n didn't respond anything but.

"Can we just use the stair like we head up earlier?" Y/n was very Traumatized that she doesn't want to go in the elevator. There's must be something wrong with her...

"Uh...  Sure? But shouldn't we used the elevator? Is faster than using the stairs."
Sarv suggests using Elevator while trying to ease Y/n.

"I'm not gonna use Elevator!" Y/n responded looking more Traumatic and something else like Anger and Sadness.
But Y/n glance other way doesn't want to show her face.

"I'm sorry, for shouting at you" Y/n Apologized before walking away from Sarv.
"No, no, it's Fine! Really I'll go with you."
Fortunately Sarv doesn't seems Mad at her.

While Searching the Stairs to the basement Sarv Asked why Y/n feared Elevator so much, however if Y/n don't feel like explaining she don't have to.

Since the fear of Elevator is connected in her Real World. Y/n doesn't want to explain to Sarvente...

---------------Time Skip------------

The time while heading home was so Silent not a single word come out from Y/n So basically it's Awkward AGAIN.

"We're Home!" Sarv shout while opening the huge Door in the church and the same silence greet her. 'I don't have a time thinking about Ruv, gotta head to the bathroom.'

"Don't mind me going to the bathroom for a minute" Y/n say as she head to the bathroom.

Y/n make sure she locks the door before she starts to change her clothes. But she feel something hanging on her Ear wondering what was that she glance at the mirror.

Then she saw it, is an Earring Shaped knife.

"I wonder where did I get this? I think someone gave it to me as a memento

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"I wonder where did I get this? I think someone gave it to me as a memento."
Unfortunately Y/n somehow didn't remember who gave her the Earring

"I'll Find out Later." Y/n decided to forget it and proceed to go to her room. 'But, Still now I'm curio-' Suddenly Y/n crash into someone without realizing.

"Ow! Sorry" Y/n apologized knowing she's making a mistake since she's thinking to much. What she hear in response was a growl which is definitely from Ruv.

"Watch where you're going kid."
Ruv glare at Y/n. Looking surely annoyed.
"Ok ok, I'm sorry alright?" yet Y/n just apologized and start to walk away like nothing happen ignoring him.

Of course that make Ruv irritated showing Y/n doesn't respect him not even a tiny bit.
Which force Ruv to Grab her Wrist.

Luckily Y/n was full guard up that mean Y/n caught his hand that gonna Grab her Wrist, Self Defense was nothing for Y/n. HOWEVER strength does matter for her.

No matter how hard Y/n hold Ruv hand her strength we're no match for Ruv. As he swung his arm Y/n got Thrown by him  hitting one of the pillar...

That rewarding Y/n a sprained ankle. Y/n didn't mind at all as she stand up once more. 

Since she doesn't want another injury. Y/n just Glared at Ruv and go ahead to look for  a bandage for her Sprained Ankle.

Basically Y/n Look for bandage in the church while dragging her Leg.  Ruv was dumbfounded staring at Y/n dragging her Leg like it was nothing...

Finally Y/n found a Bandage on a cupboard however Y/n doesn't take it. Why? Because it's out off her reach there's no way Y/n gonna climb up with her Sprained Ankle.

However Something Unexpected did Happen...

As Y/n keep trying to reach the bandage. Ruv walk toward the Cupboard grabbing the Bandage and throws it straight at Y/n Face.

Y/n caught the bandage as she stood motionless staring at Ruv.
And Thanked him "Uh, Thanks."

"Я делаю это не ради тебя." Doesn't have any interest Ruv just harshly Replied to Y/n appreciation. Before Leaving her alone. Bandaging her Sprained Ankle...

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