◇Chapter 15◇

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(Y/n)'s Pov:

"Holy shit!" The angry Russian actually Run after us! He must be really ticked off, Sooo I keep dragging Sarv all over the Church.

"Y/n! Don't Curse! That was unholy of you." Sarv tried to yell at me but couldn't because of her panting while Sprinting.

I was fine fleeing from him non stop but not for Sarv, She have a hard time keeping up with me. Since we've been running for 40 Minutes straight

However when I glance behind, Ruv was nowhere to be seen. 'Did he lost us? What a snail' I paused from Sprinting that almost made Sarv trip from the sudden stop.

"Oops." I went back to focus on Sarv checking if she's Fine. *pant* *pant*
'I think I'll let her catch her breath for a minute.'

I keep glancing around staying alert. Not letting guard especially that russian is really ticked off earlier.

All of sudden the ground shook nearly make me fall. "Sarv? Be ready." I warned Sarv before prepared to Run anytime.

. . .

But after the ground shook silent passed by instead, I was completely dumbfounded until.


"Uh Sarv? Not now."  I brush off the hand that Tap my shoulder from behind. Sarv is behind me so it should be none other than her.

"Look Behind."  I tensed immediately knowing who does the voice belongs to plus the ground shook again.

'Why are we still here? Just to suffer?'
Having no choice I raised my hand just like a criminal admitting to surrender.

"I'm Sorry! Spare me!" I didn't run or anything. still if Ruv already caught me, what about Sarv? Is she Dead?

Turning around. I saw Sarv who's behind Ruv playing with her finger while staring at me with a Guilty look, Great we're both Doomed.

'He's not moving... Weird.' I was quite confused that he does nothing but stares at me. "Uh. Hello?" I waved my hand in front of his face until.


"Ouch! What the Fu-" I shut myself at once realizing I cursed, Sarv is gonna be mad at me.

I glared at him getting irritated after what he do to me. Of course he saw my expression and begin to smirk, In a mocking tone... "Is somebody Mad?"

Not able to hold back anymore I swiftly punched him instantly. But he saw that coming and Caught my fist.

"Ugh... I give up." I quickly withdraw my hand that gonna Punch Ruv, I don't want to get thrown twice. Since I didn't want to be awkward I break the silence. "Sarv, what time is it?" I asked Her beginning to get hungry at the same time.

"5:33 what about it?"

"about the dinner. Do you Mind me joining?" I wanted to join because I don't want to be left with Ruv alone.

I almost thought he's gonna kill me just because my mischievous prank on him.
But still I gonna do it again a few pranks wouldn't hurt.

"Sure!" Great! Sarv agreed letting me join.
"And Ruv. You're coming with us!" Sarv say as she glance at Ruv who's already far away from us.


---------------Time Skip (I'm Lazy)-------------

So in the kitchen, Me and Sarv were cooking together. Ruv? He's more likely taking a nap while waiting.

"Here, I'm done chopping these." I handed the onion to Sarv. 'Sarv... but why? I hate onion you know?'  i tried to hold back my tears thanks to that onion.

"Oh! and Y/n? Can you pass me the salt over there?"
Sarv points at the cupboard where the Salt and pepper located.

"Oh yeah, Sure."  As I went to get the Salt curse my height I'm not tall enough to get the salt. "Give me a second" I went to the place where Ruv sitting.

And took one of the Chair. I don't want to wake the jerk. so I lift the chair instead of dragging it.


"Finally!" I took the Salt and pass it to Sarv.
"Anything else you need?" I question her wanting to know if she need anything else.

"Nope! It's completely done actually." Sarv seems really satisfied about the dish...
"I'll go wake Ruv." I sent her one smile before heading out from the kitchen.

"Ruv, Wake up." I poked his cheek but he showed no sign waking up. 'Hmm. I have to wake him up myself. I can't ask Sarv for help forever'

'Wait! I actually never seen him without his cap before. Maybe this is my chance!'
Giggling silently I reach out my hand and...

"What are you doing?" He grabs my wrist as He wakes up glaring at me. 'Uh-oh'
At the worst timing Sarv appeared from the kitchen.

I'm fine. about Ruv grabbing my wrist BUT I'm completely not Fine since my face is extremely close to him! I regret doing this one.

"Y/n? You forgot to return the cha-  ...Did I disturb something?  I'm sorry I'll leave  now." Sarv Dash to other directions leaving me and Ruv alone Awkward.

'How utterly embarrassing...'

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now