◇Chapter 26◇

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Time : 6:46pm

(Y/n)'s Pov:

I take a deep breath before getting back to th kitchen where Sarvente is. For some reason Ruv doesn't seems to be bothered at all.

'Please don't tell me he had another plan.'

I didn't realize staring at him with belief until his voice made the church shake a little "What are you staring at...?"

I shook my head signaling I got nothing to say.  'I can't just trust this guy easily, cuz he's also my Enemy!'


Reaching it destination, it felt very tense there. Sarvente just finished it Investigation that mean the truth will either got revealed or crashed by a lack of evidence.

I was hoping The Evidence that points me to be the culprit is destroyed, And most importantly...  don't find my fingerprints on the jar handle!

"Y/n..." I was panicking inside just thinking about it making me sweating. "Y-yeah?"
I accidentally Stutter after hearing Sarv mentioning my name.

'Damn it! Y/n don't stutter, You only made yourself suspicious!'

"Are you alright? You're sweating Bullets." She stood up from Crouching on the floor holding a magnifying glass.

"Bullets?! Where?!" I nearly shouted with my inner voice, if I used microphone it would be as loud as Ruv.

"No, no it's just a figure of speech, Also we need to talk." She adds up before picking up a Note.


"Did you... come to the kitchen, while I'm gone?" She crossed her arm while her foot is tapping the floor waiting for my response.

"Nope, I didn't go there."  I put both of my arm behind as I shook my head. Still she doesn't show any sign of trusting my statement.

"...have anyone to confirm you're alibi?" She kept her foot tapping the ground getting irritated.  "Actually...  I have." I smirk, I'm not 100% confident but I need to bluff!

She went silent for a while, shocked to see me actually have an alibi to confirm my Statement. Finally Sarvente stop tapping her foot...

"Ruv, I didn't have a time to go to kitchen right? Cuz we're busy running around inside the church nonstop, after I pranked you again." I glance at him signaling him to agree.

I made sure I explained the alibi so Ruv can Agree without a trouble explaining, He supports my alibi by Nodding in agreement.

'Whoa! I didn't expect Ruv to agree that easy! I know he could just refuse my alibi and I'm doomed!'

"Is that enough proof?"

Sarv clenched her fist ready to give up anytime, probably don't have enough proof to break my alibi.

"Then what about this..." Out of sudden she smacked the note at my face 'Ouch'  ,it made me flinch a bit.  "they belongs to you, are they?!"

I took the note off my face, before Examining it. Well It's my Bad Luck... it shows a Finger Prints.

Also it's noted That the fingerprints is discovered on the Jar handle. 'How the hell did she get that?! And how?!'

"Y/n. You better have a Good explanation for this... if you don't." She's already steaming in anger as she say.

I glance at Ruv to find him desperately trying to sneak away silently, He was extremely silent until Sarv Caught him trying to Run away.

Just for 4 seconds, he dissapeared completely leaving me and Sarv alone. Of course I ran after him, cuz I'm Running away from Sarv no matter what.

------------------------Time Skip---------------------------

*huff* *huff* I kept panting, After escaping The angry Nun. Also Ruv is beside me leaning on a pillar catching his breath.

Well I gotta say, I reached new record Running nonstop for 1 hour. Oh and don't forget I have to Note this for myself

Don't ever try to make Sarvente Angry

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