◇Chapter 8◇

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I stare at Sarvente's house in front of me, it's a church. 'Yep, I knew it. But then again no suprise there...' I turn to look at my new friend with worried look, and asks her "Sarvente, are you sure your friend is alright with me staying here?"

Sarvente let out a childish giggle and give me a small smile. "Just call me, Sarv and don't worry, I'm sure that he don't mind! I hope..." she mutters the last sentence.

"Well...alright then." I let out a small shrug. "Again, thank you so much for letting me to stay with you, Sarv." I thanked her.

As Both of you walked into the church, it was very beautiful and cozy. 'Holy crap, this is so beautiful! The game didn't do justice for the background...' I thought to Myself, trying hard not to look around.

However, a poster of a certain someone caught my attention immediately. It was a wanted poster of Ruv with big 'WANTED' in the middle, before I could ask something Sarvente cutted me off.

"(Y/n) could you please wait here? I'm going to find my friend." Sarvente said as she walks away from me, leaving me standing there in the middle of the church.

Sarvente walk toward a dark hallway with some broken pillars laying there. It was quite dark that I couldn't see anything on it.

"Ruvy...? Are you there?" Sarv calls her friend with a soft voice. "Don't call me Ruvy..." a deep, rough voice rang out.

With his voice alone shakes the entire church, causing me to stumble a bit. 'Ok, I know his voice is loud but..how is this humanly possible?!' I shrieked mentally, while trying to regain my balance.

As he walked toward Sarvente, he suddenly stops as his eyes landed on me with surprised expression. He's surprisingly very tall, it makes him looks intimidating.

Then I realized that he has been glaring at me for a while now, honestly it was very uncomfortable. "take a picture, it'll last longer." I said with sarcasm, glaring back at him.

"Сарв, кто этот маленький засранец?" Ruv speak in irritated tone. 'Ok, I may not a genius but I'm pretty sure that he insulted me!' I could feel my respect toward him has dropped low, as I keep glaring at him. Seriously what's his problem?!

"Ok Y/N, This is Ruvyzvat you can call him Ruv for short." Sarvente introduced me to him- which I already know who he is, but nod anyways.

"And Ruv, this is Y/N. If you don't mind, can I let her stay with us? She don't have a place to live..." Ruv went silent for a while, but then he spoke. "Нет никакого способа, черт возьми, я позволю незнакомцу остаться с нами..."

"Sarv, I don't think it's a good idea to let me stay..." I said to her nervously, the last thing I want is that Ruv killing me while I'm asleep!

Sarv let out a small smile and Pat's my head as if im a child, "don't worry, I'll try and pursue him to let you stay!" She chirped, making me even more nervous.

"но я тоже не могу позволить им остаться без крова! так пожалуйста! просто позволь им остаться!" Sarv pleaded to him in russian.

"...хорошо, НО если что-то случится, не вините меня. винить этого паршивца" Ruv said with a growl, he give me a harsh glare and walks away.

I unknowingly let out a small sigh in relief, boy, Ruvyzvat is one scary bastard!

Sarvente turn to look at me with worried look, I beat her before she could say anything. "Sorry for all this trouble Sarv, I think I shouldn't stay here..." I said with apologetic expression

"Oh no no, it's Okay! He's always like that when he meet a stranger." Sarvente said, trying to reassure me.

"Anyway, back to the point...So, did he let me stay here or should I leave this place? I didn't really understand Russian to be honest..." I asks her, the argument from earlier makes you nervous.

Sarvente instantly smile at that, and said "Yes, you can stay here! I just hope there's no fuzz between you two." She Made me chuckle.

"Now then. Let's eat dinner together plus you're hungry right?" Sarv smirk remember what happend where I meet Sarv for the first time...

"Alright! Thanks!" I smiled, thanking Sarvente for her kindness

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now