◇Chapter 31◇

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Time : 10:49pm

(Y/n)'s Pov :

'What if the Earring gone? What if someone took it?' I've been worried since i got out to search the 'thing' I also bring a flashlight with me.

Passing the cafe, I started to use my flashlight pointing them to the ground.
I keep focusing on the ground hoping to find the Earring, I drop somewhere right here.

Unfortunately i could't find it, Not even a trace about the Thing. 'Maybe, it was already taken by someone...' just i was about to give up and Head home.

A sudden noise from distance getting me to be alert. It was not so close, and not so far either. It's probably not a good idea eavesdropping a stranger especially at time like this.

Safety first. I made up my mind and head home right away, brushing away my curiosity. But there's a word that caught my attention, Making it hard to leave without finding out.

Turning off the flashlight, I watched their shadow from the distance as I tried getting closer to eavesdropping. Until a stupid tree branch I didn't know it exist cracked when i accidentally stepped on it.

'Fuck.' Their attention instantly went straight to the cracked sound coming from the branch. Lucky me there's a huge box next to me, as the branch cracked I swiftly jump behind the box.

"What was that...?" A gentle voice asked Getting suspicious. "..." while the other one says nothing other than silence.
"...what did you need to tell me?"
Knowing them finally forget about me, I took a small peek, as the other figure whisper something at them.

"Fine, make this quick then..." I watched their figure walking straight to where i'm hiding. As quiet as I could I stayed still in the box, yup not only one box but a lot of it.

They stopped at the alley where i kill the guy who's desperate to Escort me back home in a different way. "Now tell me."
They crossed their arms waiting for the other one to answer.

"...Remember me?" He pulled the hood of the jacket down revealing himself. As he revealed himself the other two figures Gasp in suprised shocked also terrified.

The one who pulled down their hood was holding a strange weapon shaped like a Cresent moon?? I could say i never seen that weapon before.

That's when I realized. He's trying to kill them, for a reason. He swung his weapon down at the Other figures. Earning a scream in agony from the victim.

I did bring my pocket knife, I wanted to help them even I'm already too late. Though I still had one more chance to save the other one.

Using a little courage I used my flashlight pointing them at the Victim who is now laying on the ground with a blood puddle around them. 'Ew, I think, I'm gonna throw out.' Quickly changing direction at the Other figures, which is a woman holding a hand up to her mouth covering it.

The woman Stares at me with a tint of hope, while the killer lunge at me with the weapon on his Hand, Making me drop the flashlight...

To be Continued.

A/n : for the readers who wait the chapter to be published, Thank you for waiting patiently.

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