◇Chapter 29◇

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Time : 10:36pm

No one's POV:

It was a peaceful night perfect for someone who's in deep thought, until a scream in pain was heard. The "one" who hear it beginning to feel uneasy. But go on and see it anyway.

. . .

Unfortunately when they arrived, Only one person was seen its Only the Victim who scream in pain was found. The suspect who stabbed the victim was nowhere to be seen.

the victim Is already Dead. Since it's on the ground motionless. They Stares at the body for a second, until a sudden gasp was heard.

They looked up to a building to see, a little boy pointing at them. They let out a "Tch" before running away from the Dead Body.
Because they figured it out, the little boy would probably tell their parents and called the police instantly.

They ran at the same direction where Y/n is going. (Good thing Y/n already arrived at the church.) Hoping the boy didn't see their face clearly.

----------------------Next Morning----------------------

Time : 09:57am

(Y/n)'s Pov :

"Morning already...?" I said as I started rubbing my eyes. It's very bright, that made me wanted to go back to sleep so badly.

Sadly, I can't get back to sleep after recalling what happened last night. About the shadow, what If they find out the killer was me?

good thing i didn't leave any trace that lead me to be the killer, like the murder weapon or the blood on my shoes/boots.

Though I really regret stepping on the victim blood. I have no choice but to carry the shoes/boots with my hand and cover them with my thick jacket, without letting the blood dripped on the road.

"I'm lucky, Sarv didn't see me going to the bathroom covered in blood" I whisper loud enough Only for me to hear. 'Sarv probably gonna passed out if she sees me like that.'

I dramatically facepalmed myself, before leaving my room. Only to get hugged by Sarv. "Y/n! Good Morning...!" I hug her back "Morning..." I replied in a sleepy tone, well i'm still sleepy from the incident last night.

But something made me full awake. 'Clock' it's 10:02am Already?! I was soo shocked, that made me full awake. Of course Sarv could read my mind just from the look from my face.

"I thought, you'll never gonna wake up you sleepy head!" She let go of me before  shaking me back and forth, Making me dizzy.

She kept shaking me until, a murder was mentioned on a TV.  I pushed Sarv away from me gently "can we just continue later?" After saying that, I head straight to the place where to TV is located.

. . .

When I got there. I saw Ruv on the couch staring at the TV, he doesn't seemed so interested. "A man was found murdered about 10pm - 11pm last night, the murder weapon was not found."

I listened to the TV carefully not missing a single words. I did killed that guy. it's self defense for me, not for him. Fortunately not a single trace was pointed at me.

Oddly there's One person who's caught near the body and they're the suspect in this case. I couldn't help but chuckle a little, 'Lucky me.'

The TV news continues... still no trace that lead me to be the killer, It was though trying not to let the blood dripped on the road.

"The hell you doing?" Out of sudden Ruv ask feeling annoyed but concerned as well. Which caught me off guard. "Oh, Nothing." I was, it's hard to explain but i'm just paying attention to the TV from far away.

"...Liar" he glares at me not believing me at all. True, I looks like i'm stalking from far away. I probably made him feel uncomfortable.

"Just Staring..." he raised one of his eyebrows as he tilts his head to the side, Puzzled. "At the TV.." he's getting more confused but decided to shake it off.

"...Then sit here, don't stand there like a Statue." He grumbles before returning his attention on the TV.
I walked to his side, sitting beside him.

Not to close, i keep my distance from him a bit. It's quite uncomfortable being close with my enemy.

A/n : Sorry, for the short chapter.

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