◇Chapter 25◇

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Time : 05:25pm

(Y/n)'s Pov:

In the middle of Chatting GF took a quick look on the clock before standing up. "Sorry Y/n, it's about time I have to go"

"It's fine, I was about to say the same thing too."  I let out a small laugh which made GF giggling.

"Alright, See ya later." I left the cafe after wave her goodbye. I was planning to explore other places though it's already 4pm

I wasted my time 3 hours straight in the Cafe Chatting with GF.  Then I'll just head home, I got nothing better to do.

------------------------Time Skip---------------------------
Time : 06:18

Arriving at the Church, I opened the Door and Greeted by a familiar voice and that's definitely coming from Sarvente.

"Y/n, you're back!" She hold my hand leading me inside. "And what took you so long? You've been gone almost 6 hours straight."

"Uh, I'm just taking a walk, and Relaxing in a cafe..." I'm not lying just not gonna talk about meeting GF. "That explains it." She Sigh in relief after hearing my explanation.

'Why is the Church is extremely Silent?'

It's not that strange but still.  'Hm, I'm bored. Maybe I'll eat one or two of the cookie in the kitchen.'  Last time Ruv steal the cookie And I didn't have a time to get another.

"Sarv, I gotta go to the kitchen for a minutes." She nodded before letting go of my hand.

I dragged one of the chair and used it to climb on it, Well I'm doing the same like I usually do.

When I'm about to get the cookie Jar a Yell was heard. "Y/n! What are you doing?!" I nearly fall from the chair where I'm standing on it. "Cookies?" I smiled awkwardly.

*Sigh* "Y/n... Where did you find it?" She pointed the cookie jar I was holding. "Right here." I tap the place where the jar was found.

"Odd, I'm sure I put it somewhere..." she tilted her head to the side with a puzzled look on her face. 

"Someone must have eat the cookies a few days ago and forgot to put it back to it original place." To be honest my theory would point me and Ruv as a Suspect for eating the cookies.

But it's interesting to let her play detective finding the real culprit who eats the cookies.
Though the truth is I'm the one who tried to eat the cookies but failed since Ruv stole it.

Ergo I'm the thief finding the cookies however Ruv is the real culprit for eating the cookies.

"Have fun investigating~" I left the scene. Hoping she couldn't get an evidence that proved me to be the culprit. "Y/n, bring Ruv over and don't you dare escape okay?"

"Alright, And I won't seriously."

'I can't believe it, Sarv is really Serious about this. I should hurry and inform Ruv about this.'  Without thinking further I go ahead and Find him.

But it doesn't took so long, I already know where he usually is. He's definitely in the room where the Giant door is located.

And Right he's There.  "Oi Ruv." He sigh before Glaring at me "What?" I glared back at him before crossing my arm. "Sarvente, ask you to come."

"And you know you have no other choice than Accept Right? I really don't want Sarv to explode." I added up making him hard to refuse. 

'His weakness is absolutely Sarvente I should note that.'

He gritted his teeth before Nodding. "Almost forgot, I got something to tell you." He didn't say anything that mean he's listening.  Probably because never heard my tone this serious.  'Lol, I feel like I'm in a Movie right now'

After explaining it, He had no choice but to follow. Even though he almost didn't believe me. "So... Deal or not?" He glared at me "Deal."

'Great. And don't betray me Okay? Or I'm completely finished. I'm not even sure I can trust this dude or not.'

Bonus :

Before Y/n left the kitchen. Y/n see Sarv as a ticking bomb ready to explode after finding the real Culprit. 
Now Y/n got one thing to do it's mystery though.

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