◇Chapter 33◇

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(Y/n)'s Pov :

Since i didn't want to get caught, I let him drag me to hide behind a large furniture. Doesn't looks like I could struggle or anything anyway.

. . .

But, there's a small problem here. The problem is the space behind the furniture it's quite small. Sure, We can hide behind it's just you know...

They looked hesitant before hiding behind the furniture. I sealiously unsure about this. But... it's better than being accused for murdering someone. I could hear the police Siren crawling closer and closer as they yanked me towards him right into the hiding place behind the large furniture.

It was pretty dark and cramped, as we hid behind the furniture. Not wanting to be pressed against him, I used my arms crossing it in front of my chest preventing him to be too close. "..." my attention immediately focus back to the light that suddenly cover the whole alley, causing my eyes to squint slightly even though I'm protected by the furniture.

The person next to me shut his mouth and froze in place. Struggling not to shift around too much. Of course, I also done the same by holding my breath and motionless. Before a faint murmur from several police was heard, sadly it was barely audible making it hard to be listened closely.

'I wonder... what are they talking about...?' Curious, I attempt to shift my body just a tiny bit in order to take a small peek at the police. Just as I about to take a peek, the person that are also hiding next to me grabbed my hand before shaking his head in disagreement.

Sighing silently, I nodded slowly pausing myself from taking a peek since I didn't want to get caught neither. There was something that keep bothering my mind though... is the person next to me is actually Ruv...? It's hard to believe... but I have to wait patiently atleast until the police finished their investigation.

After a several minutes passed being stuck in a cramped place with him, I could hear the another vehicle like an ambulance came over probably to pick up the two corpse that are killed by the person next to me. Not long after that... the murmur finally vanish and a vehicle going away, only silence remains...

'They left... good...' knowing the police finally left, I stepped out of the cramped place noticing a the corpses already being taken away leaving only chalk outline where the corpses located. As I stepped out the person next to me who's also hiding also followed.

Pretty much irritated and Baffled, I turned around to face the person next to me with a glare as I spoke bluntly "Just who are you...? Why did you end their life...?" There's a mountain of questions but I can't stay here too long. I never knew when will the police came back...

The person next to me, or he sighed before muttering "you just said it... before we hide." There's a hint of disappointment in his tone as he muttered. Almost immediately my eyes widen as I nearly yelled "...it's You...?!" My tone was filled with disbelief as I stared at him shocked.

He nodded his head, while raising his arm, using it to wipe his face thanks to the blood that splatter from the victim he murdered earlier before adding up "for the second question, cuz they kept bothering Sarv by throwing a rock right into the church."

'Not sure if they deserved to be killed, but doesn't looks like I can turn back the time... so Eh...' sighing, I could only shake my head in disbelief by his reason causing the whole scene. "Let's just go home..." I knew, I should have report him as the murder but if I really indeed do it, sarv would be miserable finding out ruv have been taken away or anything.

When I was about to head out of the alley, I realized I haven't found the earring I've been looking for causing me to pause in my track '...my Earring... but I have to go back now...' also too drained to search, I reluctantly decided to gave up on searching and let it go as I groaned catching ruv attention. "...is there a problem...?" Curious by my groaning he asked in a slight soft tone

"Forget what you hear, C'mon." I hurriedly  begin to head back to the church after tilting my head gesturing him to also get back, not having any intention to make sarv worried for nothing at the same time I was also concerned if sarv would be mad at us for disappearing without a trace.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2023 ⏰

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