◇Chapter 30◇

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Time : 10:08am

(Y/n)'s Pov:

It's been 5 minutes since i stayed beside Ruv, but it felt like 1 hour.
There's a mountain of questions in my head that i wanted to ask him.

But I couldn't spit it out, what if he gets mad? I know, i should just ask him. Though i would be finished if he get mad at me.

"Ruv?" I called his name but keep my face away from him, "What?" He reply to me in a suprisingly soft tone. 'Odd, He's not usually like this.'

"You okay? Last night I heard you mumbling in the garden." There's a lot of questions I wanted to ask, but only my concern about him last night came out.

"It's None of your business." I turned around to glance at him, Not believing a single word he said. 'Hold up, why am I acting like this.'
I was about to say another word, then it was cutted off by him.

"...I already told you, None of your Business." This time he said it sternly, clearly want me to stop asking him. From his face, I could see a tint of disbelieve on him.

'Seriously, something is wrong with him. only Sarv could make him spit out what he's thinking.'

"Earth to Y/n?" A hand waved right in front of my face, snapping me out from my thoughts. "Yes?" It was Sarv.

"I was thinking, maybe we could make something..." She's holding books filled with dessert recipes at her back. "Like Cupcakes?" I happen to craving some dessert like cupcakes, didn't realized it until now.

"Yup!" Sarv clapped both of her hand before, pulling me up trying to drag me to the kitchen. 'Perfect, Gotta ask Sarv later.'

I brush aside my suspicion on Ruv, before focusing on Cooking with Sarvente. Sarv stopped dragging me after we reached the kitchen, then quickly went to collect the ingredients she needs.

She handed me a bowl filled with Cream, butter, eggs. She give me a few instructions on what should I do. Since I'm not really good at this, I messed up a little.

-------------------------Time Skip--------------------------

It's been about 20 minutes. We're done preparing the Food, Only need to bake it in the oven. Sarvente was busy making the Whipped cream frosting for the cupcakes and the toppings.

And me? I just layed my head on the table, I got nothing to do than waiting for the cupcakes to be done.

While I'm chilling on the table, I noticed someone sit beside me. I stayed silent, Lazy to start a conversation. Head still laying on the table.


'Finally, I'm starving to death...' I stood up and went to get the cupcakes out of the Oven. Stupid me, I forgot to use glove and ended up burn my finger.


Out of sudden I felt something hit the back of my head. I glance down to find a Glove heat resistance on the floor. 'Perfect, I need this shit.'

I put the Cupcakes on the table, and then Ruv The one who sit beside me snatch one of the cupcakes off the tray.

"Put it back will ya? Sarv didn't even decorate it yet." I stretched my hand to grab the Cupcake from him. Yet I was too late, he already took a bite of it.

'Dammit, it looks soo good.' Beginning to drool seeing him eating right in my eyes.
he noticed, as he grab another one and offered to me.

I took it from him after thanking him, Just as I was about to take a bite of it. Sarv stopped me by showing me and Ruv the perfect Whipped cream frosting.

I couldn't help but whine a little, not being able to taste the Cupcake. While I'm whinning I catch a low chuckle beside me.
Great, I have to wait AGAIN.

When suddenly I realized something, as I touched my ear I couldn't feel the earing.
Making me Panic. "Wait... it's gone?!"
I jumped from my seat panicking.

"What's gone?" Sarv stopped designing the cupcakes, interested on what's I'm talking about. ".....Never Mind." I sat back down on my seat. Recalling last night from running. 'Don't tell Me, the earing detached from me as I run.'

"Alright?" She went back to focus on designing the food. While Ruv continued eating his cupcake.

'Okay... I'm gonna head out to find it, this night.'

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now