◇Chapter 28◇ (Part-2)

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Time : 10:21pm

No one's Pov:

In the end, Y/n goes into the cafe and ordered a Hot chocolate. It was so peaceful since no one's in the cafe except Y/n and the waiters.

Y/n took a small sip of her hot chocolate as she glance at the Cafe Window, Wondering what is Ruv mumbling before she leave the church.

------------------------Time Skip---------------------------
(Y/n)'s Pov:

Blood Warning:

I Stares at my empty cup of hot chocolate, still couldn't figure it out. Letting out a sigh, I put the Cup to the table, and leave the cafe (also I already paid for the drink)

Since I got nothing else to do, going back to the church and sleep is probably the best choice, plus the reason I head out is to make myself get sleepy.

In the middle of heading home, I heard another footsteps which is not mine. As I started to walk faster, the footsteps also did the same trying to caught up to me.

Beginning to get anxious, I quickly run as fast as I could, hoping the other footsteps to go away. But they're quite persistent still following me.

Had enough, I turned around to see a shadow behind me. It's around 10:30pm So I couldn't see their face, However I could tell it's definitely a guy.

"W-who the hell are you? And what do you want from me?" I kept myself straight and guard up just to be careful, i can't let my guard down in front of a stranger.

Even worse. he's not an ordinary guy, from the way he walked, I can tell that he's well-trained. "Young Lady, it's dangerous wandering around at night. let me escort you back to home~" he speak in a teasing tone as he tried grabbing my hand.

"No thanks." I pulled my hand away from him, he kept trying to persuade me to let him escort me back home. "Come on~ it's safer with me~" he stretched his hand to grab mine once more.

"I already told you, No!" Getting annoyed, I raised my voice without realizing. 'Oops.'
After I yelled at him, he became silent...

"...you better stay away from me." I don't care, what I say to him anymore. my patience already reach it limits. He freeze on spot not being able to say anything

'Giving up...? Good then.' I started to walk away, before felt my self got pulled from behind. In reflex I kicked them in the stomach, and I heard a grunts in response.

"You..." he pulled out a small knife from his pocket. I also did the same, pulling out a pocket knife I found in the arcade. "Son of Bitch...!"

That's the last thing he says before charging to me with a knife. I tried evading his attack, while planning a way to counter attack.

I keep avoiding his attack, until I see an opening at his left side. The perfect moment to stab him. I quickly stabbed my pocket knife into his left side, earning a scream of pain from him.

I didn't left the pocket knife attached on him. which I quickly withdraw my pocket knife from his wound, letting the blood flow down making a pool around him.

I was quite close to him, so my shoes/boots also covered in blood. 'Great, I'm gonna burn this shoes/boots later.'

I was about to finish him, but stopped when I saw another shadow behind him. 'Don't tell Me, it's one of his friend.' I didn't have enough time to finish him. So the last thing I could do is Run... Without a Shoes/Boots.

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