◇Chapter 13◇

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(Y/n)'s POV:

"All done!" I stood up glance down at my bandaged Ankle.  'Is Ruv doing it on purpose for me?'

"He's really different compared to Vincent..."
Suddenly I paused at my own sentence 'wait. Vincent...? I think i know that name somewhere...'

Thinking for a minute I finally realize that actually I got the Earring from Vincent in my real World.

I got that Earring before he......

--------------5 Years Past-----------

"Oi! Y/n did you see thay guy over there?" Chara Point where the guy standing. Apparently he looks quite Calm listening his Headphone.

"Yeah, I see that what's wrong with that guy?" I don't understand what chara trying to show me. "Isn't he looks cool? Why don't you go talk to him?" Chara suggest me.

"True, Chara is right he's cooler than I thought" Lillie add up as she stare at the guy.

Basically Chara and Lillie are trying to get
Me a Boyfriend. Since Chara and Lillie already had one they didn't want to let me be single. especially when it's Valentine's Day.

"Nah, no thanks." I have no interest in that Guy while turning down her suggestion.
"Oh come on! When are you gonna have a Boyfriend?!" Chara shout at me with disappointment.

Me and Chara keep arguing while Lillie stare at the guy chara mention.

While arguing about earlier, I heard a Scream which cause me to dash to Lillie.

"Hey! Get away from my Friend! Or I'll beat your ass up!" I glared at that guy while grabbing his collar ready to punch him anytime.

Chara stand beside me quickly apologized on my behavior and Introduce herself along with me and Lillie.
"My apologies, my friend just to kinda aggresive. And I'm Chara..."

"No problem. I'm Vincent, you are?"
After introducing himself he pointed at Me who's still holding his collar.

I introduced myself as I released his collar and backed away from him.
"Y/n? That's Cool for someone like ya."
Vincent seems like he's Impressed and shocked on your sudden behavior earlier.

First day encountering Vincent is Boring, but as time passed by I'm beginning to warm up to him. I also Found out that he's easy to get bashful...

Chara and Lillie keep Shipping Us together even though I only see him as a Friend.

However there's something suspicious at that time. I see a Woman why is she following him secretly?

-------------Few Months Later----------

Time: 2 April. (5:52pm)

Me and Vincent, we're hanging out in a mall chatting inside a cafe. we're chatting about  his Ex-Girlfriend.

so that mean the one who's following him is His Ex. He's complaining that she's using him for Money.

Then I just realized it's 6pm already I need to go home but he decided to tag along.
when we get in the Elevator there's a sudden fire in the Cafe where We chat earlier.

The Fire is pretty huge that make the power supply shut down. It's to late to run out from the elevator the door is closed already.

That's when the light starting to dim. What I'm going to do is using a flashlight with my phone Sadly my batteries only 21% so if I use flashlight it would Drain the batteries quicker.

Plus I never know if I need to use my phone anytime, So Vincent lend his phone to me.
Suddenly he Shove me to the side and...
There's a groan heard.

I could feel something Warm Splat to my face.

Shocked I used his phone flashlight. my heart nearly stopped, What I saw is Vincent Stabbed in a heart by someone. 'I shouldn't let my guard down like that...'

"Dammit!" He/she hissed to herself/himself.

The sound of knife falling make me back to my senses. I quickly turn his phone to the direction where his killer standing.

But the killer escaped... after distracting me by dropping the knife. there's no time to think! I quickly checked Vincent, turns out he's still Alive.

"I'm sorry, for shoving you to the side." That's the only thing he say before I yell at him "You IDIOT!, why did you sacrifice yourself?! Y-you don't have to protect me..."
I said as a tear beginning to form in my eyes.

He didn't say anything but handed you a small Box. And confessed that he actually Liked you from Beginning.

"...can't you just Stay? Because I like you too!" I smiled as my Tears Continues to fall on his Face.

He only smiled at me, And Passed out not moving anymore. He didn't even gave me a chance to reply to his Smile.

I'll get my REVENGE!
That's the last thing i thought before pass out from lack of oxygen.

A/N: it was a Tragedy.

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