◇Chapter 3◇

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Wednesday, 9 May. (09:23am)

(Y/N)'s POV:

The sunlight shines brightly from the window, waking me up from my deep slumber. I let out a small yawn as i reach out to my phone to see if my boss has read my message.

Turns out my boss haven't recieve the message yet. I get up and do my morning routine, "let's check if the police has found anything yet..." I mumbled as i turn on the TV.

"-according the police, the victim, known as Felicia Woods was burned together with the house. The police haven't find any clue who ever burn the house-"

I immediately shut off the TV, I could care less about the victim. It's not my problem anyway, 'wait, if it already at the News does that mean Boss has seen it?' I asked mentally to Myself.

Suddenly my phone rings, I whip out my phone to check. Turns out it was from my boss, He was pleased that I had completed the job flawlessly.

"Now that my job is done...Break time!" I cheered, I immediately grab my phone and started to play Friday Night Funkin. What can i say? It's my favourite rhythm game afterall!

I play the Mid-Fight Masses Story mode.
Because i need a warm up,
In Sarvente First and Second Song since Ruv Zavodila is Finger Killer.

The first Parish and Worship is Easy. Because is pretty slow and peaceful good enough for warm up.

After Finishing the warm up. Zavodila is up I quickly using the headphones because i always make the volume loud enough but not wanting to make my Neighbors hear it. (RIP Ear drum)

When i play zavodila is hard to take a breath since my finger is not flawless enough to beat the game easily.
But i manage to passed it somehow.

After I played the Mid-Fight Masses I continues the other immediately to excited to stop playing. So the next one is V.S Bob & bosip. (I'm seriously playing this song right now)

I actually love the last song because is really A blast! I played pretty long until the alarm in my phone Vibrates showing it's already 2:00pm. 'I wonder what gonna happend if the alarm didn't loud enough for me to hear. Am I gonna play until sunset...?'

After turning off the game. I decided to get some coffee, so I headed out to go to the cafe.

-Time Skip to the cafe-

As I'm walking toward the cafe, I could feel that as if someone is watching me. No matter what i do, I could not shake off the feeling that I'm being watched.

When I arrived at the cafe, Peaceful atmosphere immediately greets me. It was quite relaxing, I walked toward the bartender and ordered (F/D).

It took them a while, but it's alright, I could always enjoy (F/D) while being take out.

It seems that I'm choosing the right choice, my phone suddenly rings again. Signaling that my Boss is calling me right now, not wasting a single time- I run out immediately try to find an empty place to receive the call.

(Author Note) :

Once again Thank you for reading the book my fellow readers.  I hope you guys like the book... 

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now