◇Chapter 23◇

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Time : 11:32am

(Y/n)'s Pov:

Me and Sarv was searching for Ruv but this time is suprisingly quick, He appear to be in the Living room watching a TV.
Don't know what he's watching tho...

'What am I supposed to do? If I interrupt him, he'll probably get mad at me. More worse he's enjoying what he's watching...'

Thinking for a minutes, I finally made up my mind, I decided to make him join the game instead. True I felt bad for disturbing his enjoyment but this is my only idea to become Friends, like seriously.

'However, I'm not gonna be the one who ask him. Sarv will do it for me, Cuz I'm not doing it.'

I was about to request Sarv to be the one who will invite Ruv but when I look beside me Sarv is gone. "Eh?!"

'Hold on, Maybe Sarv is talking with Ruv right now.' Sighing with Relief I glance at the Direction where Ruv is located.

And Right, He's there still in the same position. 'Still, where the hell Sarv vanished to anyway?' I kept looking around for Sarv, yet I didn't found a single Trace of her being inside this room.

'Uhhhhh, I guess I'll join him for a minute until Sarv returns...' giving up on looking for Sarv, I head towards Ruv. He's on the couch that we used once while watching a movie.

I silently sat beside him not Saying a single word. He was kinda shocked to see me sit beside him only for a couple of second though.

He really focused on the TV,  And appeared to be really interested. That made me wondering what he's watching about.

Turns out he's interested in Slapping Contest show. Somehow it's confusing me about what's so fun about the show anyway.

"Hey..." That's when a deep voice cause me to freeze. Although I don't feel the ground shake I was sitting on a couch. "Yeah?"
It's not like I was terrified just it's so unusual for him to start a conversation.

"How did you become homeless." He kept a serious face as he stare at me, If Sarv is here, she would prevent him.

'I can't let him know about Reincarnate! Even if I told him it's hard to believe though.' I had no other choice than Lying again. It's kinda started to feel uncomfortable Lie to someone in a church.

"My family was killed. And I'm the only one who survived, by Escape from home. That's when I meet Sarv in the middle of Running."
I lied fluently at him as I used a Fake expression just like a mask.

Well why not? Since it's only a bullshit avoid a Reincarnate topic, Yet he doesn't seem to be the one who's easy to be fooled.

The look on his face explains it, he didn't believe what I say. "It's fine if you don't believe it, not all strangers can be trusted after all" I used a trick to made it looks like I'm telling the truth.

'...why so silent? If I'm in Apollo Justice, I would be revealed what I'm hiding in instant! Soo Glad I didn't Reincarnated to Apollo Justice.'

Fortunately, he nodded getting what I Said. Still this one feels so tense. "But if you're lying. You're good as Dead." He glare dagger at me, which made my blood run cold.

After glaring at me he went back focusing on the TV. 'Damn, he's creepy.' I should Say something, though I rather stay silent.

"Hey Ru- Wait Never Mind." I stopped myself from continuing, it's hard to start a conversation after receiving a warning you know?

'C'mon Y/n, it's odd for you to fear a Russian Guy, plus you have kill someone stronger than him!'

"If you need something, then Say it." Ruv say harshly getting annoyed. "Want to play a game?" I invited him to play Texas Holdem instead I can't just say it's nothing, he'll get more Suspicious.

"What game." His eyes locked at the screen of the TV. "Texas Holdem." He probably understands the game, even Sarv know just never played it.

"...No" he turned down my invitation and that's what I expect him to say. It's hard to invite someone like him, only Sarv can done it.

"Y/n! I'm back! Sorry for dissapeared like that." Out of sudden Sarv came Running toward me. "No, it's Fine. Where did you go earlier?"

"I left something in my room, And I need to get it. Sooo did Ruv want to Join?" Sarv mention before giving me the Cards.

"Unfortunately, Nope" and are you gonna force Ruv to join again? It happens many times.

"Maybe this time Ruv doesn't want to join, So we can invite him other time." I suggest Sarv to cancel the game. Plus I don't think I want to play game in a situation like this.

I don't think I can be friend with him.

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now