◇Chapter 19◇

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Time : 11:29am

(Y/n)'s Pov:

'I Can't believe I kick him like that.' I searched around the Church but found nothing, I'm sure I used it a few days ago or maybe I left it somewhere?

"I'm Home!" Suddenly there's a cheerful voice which is definitely coming from the entrance.

'You know what? Forget about medical kit.
Even if I got the medical kit it would be useless I couldn't do anything, Stupid me'

Face palming myself I went straight to Ruv hoping he recovered from the kick. In the middle of walking I saw Sarv go in the room where Ruv collapsed.

'Oh shit.' I'm in trouble now. But there's not a single word about Ruv. Sounds like Sarv is mumbling to herself about the groceries.

'How come she didn't notice a Big Russian Collapse on a floor?!'

Nervous i take a step inside the room. Well I'm curious about how did Ruv hides himself. "Im back! What's up?" Sarv Smiled at me as I shake my head. "no, it's nothing And welcome Back."

'Eh? There's no trace of Ruv, don't tell me he recovered already.'

"It's something the matter?" Sarv seem concerned about what I do. "Nothing, just curious what did you buy besides grocery"
since I don't want her to be suspicious, I lied.

"Actually... I bring a few Popsicles, Want one?" Sarv held out about 3 Popsicles to me.
"Definitely yes!" I take the (F/P).

Sarv want to eat one so. The other one is probably for Ruv, because she left it inside the fridge. 'I must find Ruv before Sarv...'

"Where's Ruv?" A sudden question made me halt. "Dunno." I tried to lie once more yet Sarv notice my voice crack.

"Did something happen between you two again?" Sarv stare at me suspicious and concerned at the same time. "No?"

I need to say something that distracts her. "Sarv, we should eat our Popsicles before it melts." As I opened the wrap, I was right it's melting.

"You're right, I almost forgot about that!" Gladly Sarv is stupid enough to fall for my excuse from talking about Ruv or is she feel bad making me nervous?

Me and Sarv keep chatting as we head to main room where the entrance of the Church located. 'Why am I concerned about Ruv? If I had to be honest he deserves the kick.'

"Ruv! Over here!" Out of sudden Sarv waved her hand over her head. Turning around I saw Ruv standing over there, he doesn't seems to be in pain Anymore.

'That's nearly impossible! I'm sure I kick him with all I might.'

While Ruv is heading here, I stand still not moving a single step, Sarv must be puzzled. Cuz Me and Ruv became Silent.

I only stare at Ruv with an apologetic Look. 'That doesn't mean I'm really Sorry it's just a bluff anyway'

"H-hey Ruvy? Want some?" Sarv hold the Popsicle in front of his face. 'Poor Sarv. I bet she's terrified of Ruv expression'

Ruv nodded as he chomp down the Popsicle more than Half, I could see Sarvente Eye twitching with anger. 'Uh-oh'

"Y/n, Can you get the last Popsicle I left in the fridge?" She's really going to explode here, Just doesn't want to show me.

"Uhh Sure?" I stare at Both of them suspiciously before leaving to get what Sarv asked me.

Not so long, I heard Sarv Yelling very loud. 'If she's in her demon form, I gotta see that not gonna miss it!' I quickly grab the Popsicle that Sarv requested and hurried to go back.

Unfortunately after I arrived Sarv is done yelling and Ruv is sitting on the floor? Oh boy.  'Aw man I missed it! And Sarv isn't mad anymore, her expression is back to sweet one...'

"Here." I handed Sarv the Popsicle I was holding. "Thanks a lot!" How the hell did Sarv mood change so fast? "No problem."

'can't believe it. Ruv chomp down Sarv Popsicle just like that, Doesn't it painful using your teeth?' I glance down at Ruv only to earn a Glare from him.

I let out a small wheeze seeing him still sitting down like a little child being scolded by it mother. "What's so Funny?" He growls at me knowing I was mocking him.

"Why don't you stand up instead of sitting like that? You're not a kid anymore."

He swiftly stood up before clenching his fist.
"You son of bi-" however he's being cut off by Sarvente "Ruv! No Cursing!"

'Dude, you choose the wrong choice, you're gonna get yelled again.'

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now