◇Chapter 4◇

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Wednesday, 9 May (2:30pm)

(Y/N)'s Pov:

As I try to find an empty place, I stumbled upon an empty alley. After making sure that no one is nearby, I quickly accept the call and put it next to my ear only to be greeted by a loud screaming.

"Boss...?" I greet the boss quietly, the situation behind the phone is highly unusual. "(Y/n), I need you to come here NOW." Your boss demands, before he hangs up I heard a loud gunshot.

Before I could do anything else, a familiar meek voice called out "(y/n)....?"

I turn around only to see both of your best friends- Lillie and Chara.

Lillie and Chara looks at me with disbelief, denial is in their eyes as Lillie let out a small laugh, "(Y/n)...This....this is a joke right? Please tell me that you're not a criminal!" Lillie begs

I let out a nervous laugh and tries to deny it. "What are you talking about? I'm not a criminal!" I laughs nervously, but neither of them are buying it.

"DON'T LIE TO US!" Lillie shouts, surprising me.

I gritted me teeth as I avoid their stares. I immediately dash away from them, ignoring their cries for stop and demand for answers.

-Time Skip 10 Minutes Later-

While heading there I spot a crowd. There's a conversation that catch my attention "that place is dangerous don't go there again okay?" Turning around to see a little boy crying scared to death while the mother trying to comfort them.

I looked at the building and went in as quiet as possible. Boss has told me if I want to get in the other way is behind the building there's a hidden door almost look invisible.

"Boss, I'm here sorry i'm late..." I quickly apologized. But not loud enough for the other to hear it. boss glares at me as he suddenly shoves a bomb to me.

"I need you to put this bomb right there, And defuse the bomb. If you done turning on the bomb run quickly the timer only 3 Minutes." He instructs.

"Alright...leave it to me."  I said like it's a casual conversation. I put the bomb where the boss pointed at. when i look behind, i saw that boss escapes first.

I have no qualms at that, since I'm the most fastest runner in the mafia group.

As i focuses on the bomb, I suddenly heard a noise near this room. I let out a small curse, 'Shit! I need to hurry!'

I try to defuse the bomb as fast as possible, apparently lady luck hates me. As I let out a small sneeze, I unknowingly cut the wrong wire....which set the bomb off.


---mean while----

Lillie's Pov:

"(Y/n)! Wait!" I shouted as (Y/n) ran away from us both. Why...just why would she lie to us?!

"C'mon let's chase her!" Chara suggests, then we both ran after her. As we're trying to chase our....friend? I guess...? We saw a smoke coming out from the alley.

Out of curiosity, we decided to investigate the smoke. Only to be greeted by a broken building filled with smoke, our heart nearly stop when we saw who was injured on the building...

It was (Y/n)....

It was (Y/n)

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