◇Chapter 6◇

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Time : 7:29am

(Y/N)'s Pov:

I wake up feeling the sunlight a bit across my face, I let out a small groan as i rub my eyes. "Man... yesterday is sure Tiring" I mumbled under my breath.

"But still...I think I'm going insane...Updyke... He's a game character right? But he looks so real...." I voiced out loud to myself.

'And that doesn't answer that I'm I'm sudden awake in an alley, I thought I died die to a....mistake...' I mentally cringed at the thought that I died just because I sneezed, JUST SNEEZED!

"Well since I died...why the hell I'm here then? Not in limbo, heaven, nor hell." But then, it hits me like a ton of bricks.

"No..fuckin way...Nope, nope, nope, who ever did this must be joking! WHY AM I REINCARNATED INTO FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN?!" I screeched out.

Letting out a sigh, I decided to continue on exploring the place. As I walked out from my temporary home (the abandoned house), suddenly someone tapped on my shoulder.

Out of reflex I immediately punched the owner's hand. "Ouch! Relax dude, it's only me." I recognize that voice, not wanting to do anything with him. I ignored him and immediately walk/run away from him.

After quickly getting away from him, I accidentally bumped on someone. "Ah! Watch where you're going-" I Paused Suddenly, in front of you is the main character- Boyfriend and his girlfriend.

Both of us stare at each other, one in disbelief and one in confusion. Until boyfriend suddenly let out a small Beep.

I look at Boyfriend confused expression. Is he asking me for a rap battle or is that an apology?

"Beeeep beepbop?" He looks to me confused which cause me to burst out laughing

'oh God, his language sound stupid and funny! I wonder what will he say If i take his little girlfriend away?? But he looks....animated different from the original one'

Both of them looks at me dumbfounded when I burst out laughing. But then boyfriend gain an irritated look, probably he thinks that I'm mocking him or something like that.

After laughing a while, I let out a small cough. "ok, so what are you saying?" I asks them, making them sweat drop at my bipolar personality.

"He just wanted a rap battle..." Girlfriend said softly while holding boyfriend hand.

Hearing that, I let out a small pause... I never Rap Before, granted I learn a thing or two about rap but never really try it...but then I look at the two in front of me and then shrugs, why not?

"Alright, I'll battle with ya. Just for warning, this is my first time having a rap battle." I told them, as crowd started to gather around me to watch the rap battle.

Boyfriend gives you a small nod, and start to put on the first song, it starts slow at first (First week - Bo pe boo). And with that the rap battle has started.

---------time skip-----------

After hitting the last note, the crowd let out a small cheer. Turns out I'm not bad at the rap at all! In fact, I think I'm doing great.

"bopo skebap!" I look at Girlfriend for translation. "He want one last round..."
She translated smiling. 'Looks like she's enjoying her self' I thought to Myself.

"Alright, after this I'm gonna take a break.." I said, feeling a little tired. Boyfriend nods, agreeing with me. With that the last song has started.

Surprisingly I went on FAST! Boyfriend looks like he has hard time to keep up with me, he made a few mistakes during the rap but somehow he managed to follow me until end which is quite surprising.

Finally getting on the end, I give them a small smirk and said "alright, I won the rap...so? My rewards please?" Boyfriend looks like his pride has been ruined while Girlfriend let out a small sigh and handed me some money.

"Thanks!" I smiled at them, feeling satisfied. I didn't know i can actually Beat Boyfriend he's the Protagonist after all! But I manage to beat him.

Suddenly my stomach starts to growl, I let out a small laugh. 'Im gonna buy a few snacks I'm hungry....'

"looks my theory is right then...I GOT REINCARNATED INTO FRIDAY NIGHT FUNKIN!" I whisper-shouts to Myself excitedly.

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now