◇Chapter 7◇

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Time : 2pm.

(Y/n)'s Pov:

As I walk around the town- searching a convenience store. I felt satisfied that I was  able to defeat BF. Heck, I even got some money as reward!

After I brought Myself some snack, the next time is to find a job and probably find some apartment for me to stay.

Now for the real question....where can I find a job? Back then before I got reincarnated, all I knew was how to be an elite criminal. And I don't want to do anything related as a criminal, Dying once as a criminal is enough for Me.

While I'm thinking on what to do, I accidentally bumped on someone's shoulders. "Oof! Watch it!" I rudely said.

"O..Oh! I'm sorry!" A cute voice cried out, she was wearing nun cloths and wearing some sort of veil on her head. What caught me off guard was her bright 3 pink shade of her face.

"Um....are you alright?" She asks timidly, making me snap out from my thoughts as I stand up. "Yeah, I'm fine..." I said hesitantly.

"I should probably introduce myself! My name is Sarvente, but you can just call me Sarv." She said cheerfully, it baffles me how friendly she was.

'I better pretend that I don't know her, don't want to cause some suspicions or any weird misunderstandings...' I give her a small smile and introduces Myself.

"Nice to meet you Sarv, the name's (Y/n)." I said coolly.

"I know this might be rude but...can I ask why are you here alone?" Sarv asked, her voice filled curiosity. "Just taking a walk." I lied to her.

But then Sarvente look at me with suspicions and Concern expression. "Don't lie, your face is very pale!" She said with worry.

"No, not to worry I'm perfectly Fine" I quickly answer her, not wanting to burden her. Sarvente let out a small sigh, not wanting to prey the topic more further.

"Fine, At least can you tell me where you live? I'll escort you back there..." she said, after that the air turns silent.

"You don't have a place to live...?" Sarvente looks at me even more worried than usual,
I would like to lie but then decided it was a bad idea, so I gave her a nod signaling that she's right.

"I wish, I can let you st- " I hear her whisper but every whisper get smaller until I cannot hear anything else. My face suddenly turns pale at that, I definitely know what she means.

"Sarv? I'll be fine, You can't just bring a stranger like me to yo-" I started but was cutted off by Sarvente's sudden yell.

"I'm gonna take you with me!" Sarvente said, Smiling brightly. Even though her eyes betray her confidence look, it seems like she's nervous/worried about something.

Before I could say anything, suddenly my stomach growls...loudly.


I could feel your cheeks started to heat up from embarrassment. "U-uh...sorry about that..." I said quietly, making Sarvente laugh. "It's alright!" She chirped. "So I'm just not sure my friend will agree let you stay"

"Are you sure?" I tried, feeling a bit hesitant.

"Of course!! No one deserves to be homeless!" she declared as she took my hand squeezing it. "Now let's head back to my place it's almost 4pm!" Sarvente said while started to walk to the direction where she walk to me.

'So I will live at her Place for a while? I wonder about her friend... is she's talking about Ruv?'

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now