◇Chapter 9◇

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Time : 6pm

(Y/N)'s Pov:

"Here we are!" Sarv said as she walk into the dining room with various foods on the tray. Bless this girl, her food smells so heavenly.... I think I'm starting to drool from hunger.

"Y/N? I know this is hard for you but, can I tell Ruv to come here and eat dinner?" Sarv asks nervously, her eyes scanning me if I show any sign of discomfort.

"Sure! I don't mind...I think." I said, walking toward the dark pillar where Ruv was supposed to be, I couldn't see him in the dark.

Something about that place gives me chills, as in haunted house chills of someone is looking at me with murderous intentions. I almost jumped at a sound of something falling.

I carefully search where the sound was, turns out it that a small jewelry has fallen from the table. "Oh sheesh, that scares me!" I laughs nervously to Myself.

Just I'm about to return the fallen jewel to the original place, I could feel that someone is watching me. I suddenly freezes when I heard someone growls behind me.

Not wasting any minute, I ended up bolt away from the broken pillar, I rushed back toward the dining room. While accidentally bumped my head to a rather small, hanging, pillar from above.

As I reached toward the kitchen, Sarv waiting for my arrival. "Oh, you're baaa-?! What happened to you?!" Sarv shouts in disbelief as she saw my forehead has a nice, purple hue bruise.

"I....I got myself smacked...against a pillar..." I muttered shamefully, the pain is itching  on my forehead. Sarv immediately went to grab some medicine for my ...injury. if anything, I think my pride being an assassin hurts more then the injury...

While Sarv is putting the medicine to my bruise, I gave her an apologetic expression. "Sarv.... sorry I can't find him" I said, rubbing my sore forehead as Sarv put a bandaid on it. "I'll find him, you wait here." She said.

Sarv then left to search Ruv, then I sit down to calm my beating heart down. 'This place...is definitely a haunted house!! But now that I think about it, Sarv is a demon...and that demon is living in a church. Does that mean the church is pretty much haunted?' I shake my head at my own idiotic thoughts.

"Ow... I wish I didn't head there earlier" I flinched as I rubbed My forehead, but then Sarv suddenly came back alone.

"Sarv? Where's Ruv?" I asks, but then it hits me. Maybe Ruv didn't join because I'm here?  "He's not hungry so he doesn't want to join" Sarv quickly explained, seeing my guilty expression.

"So that's why he didn't came" I nodded in understanding, but I still feel pretty bad.

"Sooo, Sarv....sorry if this sounds rude but does anyone ever told you that you look just like neapolitan ice cream?" I asked nervously but curious what will she say.

"It's Fine! And yes, almost Everyone told me the same." Sarv said letting out a giggle, she doesn't seem to be insulted by my question.

------------Time Skip----------

"Man...! The food taste really Good! never eat something tasty like this before." I huffed, my stomach feels really, really full to the point that I can't breath.

"Thank You!" Sarv chirped sweetly, "since it's almost Night... I'll get a room for you to sleep, follow me." Sarvente grab my hand and guides me to my soon-to-be-room, which I appreciate greatly.

"Here is your room! you can sleep on a bed right there, it's pretty small though-"

"It's actually perfect. Thank you" I say smiling, cutting her off. "You are probably tired, I'll leave you okay?" Sarv said kindly.

I nodded and thanked her again, as she walked out of the room, I immediately crashed the bed. 'Geez, this is exhausting... from being Reincarnated to FNF, meeting Garcello and Sarvente...and somehow got Ruvyzvat irritated at me.' I roll my eyes at the thought of the rough male I met.

But right now, I'm happy that I finally have a place to stay. I can deal with Ruvyzvat's displeasure with me tomorrow morning.

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now