◇Chapter 14◇

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(Y/n)'s POV:

"That's all I remember But I swear I don't Kill him!" I shout as I slam the witness Table.  (Expect the last thought Revenge)

'They doesn't seems to understand, I already told them there's a third person in the crime scene!' I thought as I clenched my fist having a bad feeling.

"Alright, you may cross examine the witness" the judge said as he glanced at the Lawyer. 

To be honest. it's a bit lucky Lillie happend to have a friend that work as a Lawyer...

-----------------Time Skip----------

Unfortunately the trial ended with a Bad News... Lillie Friend wasn't able to Defend me, so the judge declared a GUILTY verdict.

The guard lead me out from the court, being questioned a few minutes but I'm still not gonna admit I'm the killer. It's the truth after all.

So I was in jail for about 3 Years Straight, it was Painful that I'm not the Real killer.

But I'm the only suspect. Plus The court failed to prove there's a third person in the crime scene.

3 Years Passed, As i was released from Jail.
I'm not really happy because I wanted to find the Real Killer, I need to Revenge in Extremely Painful way.

Chara and Lillie seems to be depressed seeing it innocent friend getting a GUILTY Verdict.

After a few months passed I forget about Vincent. But I always wear the Earring that i got from Vincent before he died as a Gift.


"Y/n! Wake up!" A soft Voice echoed in my head. "Y/n. Please Open your Eyes!"
I tried to open my eyes but they felt so heavy.

"Sarv...?" I can only mutter as I opened my eyes A little only to see Sarv hold my palm, she looks like just saw a someone Die.

I stare at her very confused. Until suddenly Sarv yelled at me.

"Y/n... first! I saw you lying there Not Moving. Second! Your ankle is Bandaged. Third! You looks like having a nightmare."

"I'm Fine?" I was dumbfounded. I need a time to think what happen before I can Explain.

'I wonder how long did I pass out... 1 hour? 2 hour? I think it's 4:39pm right now...'

"Y/n. Did Ruv do something to you?" Suddenly Sarv question me. 'Uh-oh I think Ruv gonna gonna have a bad time.'

According to my position I did looks like being beaten up by someone and passed out.
not gonna lie this one, he really need to learn his lesson for throwing me like that.

"Yeah, a bit." I mutter at Sarv while I checked my bandaged ankle. It's not fully healed yet but I can walk around without dragging my Leg atleast.

"Hold my hand if you want. I will get Ruv to Apologize to you!" Sarv say cheerfully as she lend her hand to me.

"Nah, I'm good" I turn down her offer as I tried to stand up normally myself. "You sure?" Sarv appear to be awfully concerned about my condition.

"100% Fine" I repeat once again. "Alright. Where are we going anyway?" I added up right away before she ask another question.

Sarv Nod as she begin to lead you where she's going, 'Glad I didn't trip while following Sarv...'

It took about 30 minutes to search for Ruv.

He's sleeping on a broken pillar that lying on the floor. "Ruv!" Sarv call out his name which making Ruv glances at Her having no interest.

"What did you do to Y/n?!" Sarv Yelled
At him as her hand Grasped my hand gently.
Ruv stares at Me using his usual blank Face.

I didn't Glare at him for One reason... I don't want another problem to occur especially if Sarv is right beside me.

Ruv does nothing as he keep staring at me until... "Ruv, Apologize to Y/n now!" Sarv shout at him which make me glance up at Sarv.

Still Ruv doesn't seems to care at all, Cuz he just go back to sleep. 'What a Jerk' I thought as I thought an Idea to wake this Jerk.

"Sarv, you have a Big mirror?" I whispered at her grinning to myself, Sarv doesn't get what I wanted to do until I explain her My plan.

'Glad I watched a Few TikTok in my original world.'  Lucky me Sarv Happen to have a very huge mirror that can be used.

------------Few Minutes Later----------

"Sarv? Can you wake him up? I'll hold this mirror right here. there and... perfect!" I whisper shout at Sarv but not loud enough for Ruv to hear.

Then Sarv started to poke him waking him up in the most annoying way. The result was not a failure... it succeeded somehow.

As He take a peek who's bothering Him... he saw his reflection that force him punching the mirror and ended up shattering the Mirror.

Upon hearing the mirror shattered Sarv and Me Burst out laughing at Ruv behavior.
Of course Ruv noticed us wheezing and laughing non stop.

"STOP, this Childish Prank...." he glared at us as he raised his hand ready to hit me and Sarv anytime.

Without thinking I grab Sarv Hand and dashed, getting away from Ruv as far as possible...

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now