◇Chapter 22◇

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A/n : I-m  B-A-C-K-! It feels so good to come back! I'm a bit lazy to write the next chapter since I'm gonna have a midterm exam this week. so my apologies if I publish the next chapter late.
Now Enjoy~

Time : 9:08am

(Y/n)'s Pov:

'Hmm... the best way to get along with someone is some minigame, Maybe a hide and seek? He'll probably think is Childish.
Uhh. Feels like I'm in otome game.'

"Texas holdem maybe?" I mumbled out loud catching Sarv attention. "I heard that somewhere, never play it though." she appeared to be interested.

'It settled then.'

"Now... Sarv you had any Cards? With a numbers on it like king, queen, jack." I asked  her hoping she had it so I wouldn't need to make one with a paper.

"Actually, I have. This one right?" She hold the Cards showing me King diamond, Queen clover and Jack Heart, the other Cards was Stacked being held by Sarv other hand.

"Correct." I nearly thought Sarv doesn't know anything about it, It's totally a common game. "Want to play one Round?"

"Sure!" Sarv cheerfully accepted my challenge without hesistation. Though I recall her mentioning Never Play it though.

Very confident is she? Maybe her luck is huge today, to be honest I'm not really good at gambling.

"Very well, let's begin."

First, I took random 5 Cards. 2 for me and 2 for Sarv. The last one I lay it on the floor between me And Sarv, it shows 9 Spade.

And I'm not taking a single Peek to Sarv Cards, It would be cheating. The card I was holding is... (10 Diamonds + 8 Spades.)

"Check?" After examining my own Cards I ask Sarv if she would Check and Continue or Give up. "Check."

It continues like that until the fourth Card was laid down. Now the cards between me and Sarv is :

9 Spades
7 Hearts
2 Clover
Jack Spades

'...feels like my luck is draining.' I kept having a bad feeling but continued anyway, well I never know if Luck suddenly came back.

I could hear Sarv giggling, But I can't figured it out she's bluffing or not. Plus I only have junk, Ergo the possibility for me to win is too tiny.

maybe I can if she had No pair and the number is lower than mine. Or should I bluff like I had Straight or three of a kind, it's hard to bluff in a situation like these one though so I rather fold.

"Okay Sarv. Check?" I asked her as I stare at her expression. Well I can tell she's confident gonna win this game or just A mask.

"Bet!" Sarv doesn't seems like she's Bluffing. I can feel her confidence flowing without a problem. 'Ugh, if she's like this then her card must be a good one! Like flush or full house.'

"F-fold" sighing I lay my card on the floor (10 Diamonds + 8 Spades.) "Y/n, the last card doesn't even being draw yet." Sarvente was shocked to see me fold before the last card was revealed.

"Then let me see the last card." I was wondering about the last card as I focused on the card that Sarv about to show it.

And what it reveals is (6 Diamonds). 'Fu- if I didn't fold I would've get Straight. Luck is on my side after I fold but why?!' I gritted my teeth regretting on what I did.

Meanwhile Sarv laid her Card it's only
(2 hearts + 7 clover) that mean she only had 2 pairs, then how come she's so confident? Please Don't tell me she's really bluffing here.

'This is the biggest regret I have in my life...'

"Well, I guess you win Since I fold earlier, Congrats!" I smiled at her victory, Lucky her winning by bluffing making me admit defeat by folding.

"Yay!" She chirped as she Jump up and down in happiness. Sarv totally looks like in heaven, Why the hell the creator made her a demon with angel personality anyway?

"Another round? 3 or 4, With Ruv of course."
I suggest as I collect the cards that laid on the floor from the game earlier.

"Definitely!" She pump her fist in excitement ready to play another Round of texas holdem.

'I hope Ruv is not childish about losing. And I'm doing this so we can be friends but No! if more than Friend.'

Finally! The Real Game Begin!

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