◇Chapter 11◇

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Time : 11pm.

(Y/n)'s Pov:

"Sarv, I'm going to the Arcade for a minute."
I started to walk straight to the arcade following BF and GF leaving Sarv behind.

The Arcade was so Cool, but I lost BF and GF. "Y/n wait! How did you walk so fast?!" Suddenly Sarv Yell at me making me flinch.

"Sarv seriously. You remind me my old friend."  I smiled remembering chara.

"Am I? Your friend must be really care about you." Sarv say quite curious.

At the same time I heard a conversation. Between BF and GF standing there along with something furry.

"Y/n, I'm going there for a minute. There's something I want to get" Sarv mutter as she wander around the arcade.

'I'm gonna watch BF and GF for a minute'
I head toward them listening their conversations without being spot.

(This Video is Not Mine, KUDOS to @PaperKitty)

No one's Pov:

"Yo! Long time no see! Taking your new girl on a date?" Kapi tap Boyfriend on the shoulder. 

"Yea, what about it?" BF replied looking a bit confused. 'what...? I thought BF can only speak Weird Beeping sound.' Y/n thought quite confused.

"She's out of your league bro... She'd be Perfect for someone like Me!" Sounds like Kapi is mocking BF.

"Show me what you got!" Suddenly GF shout at both of them looking somewhat Excited.
"...Really Girlfriend?"

Slowly the music in the arcade started to sound (Wocky. Reminding me Wocky kitaki in Apollo Justice)

Kapi didn't sing but he used his Dance-pad to follow to Rhythm. BF? He still use his normal Microphone as usual.

-----------Time Skip---------

"Not Bad for a cat!" Girlfriend is impressed by Kapi Skill.

"See what did I tell ya, BF?" Kapi continues to mock him.
"That literally mean nothing." Yet BF just replied like it's nothing for him.

"Sure. let's just move on." Kapi insists as he Continues "Don't expect me to go easy..." Now he's starting to get pissed off.

"Beep di bop" Which make Boyfriend only respond Beeping sound.

. . . Next to second music is "Beethoven...?"
Y/n is still hiding somewhere while listening to their Rap Battle.

'I wonder what's taking Sarv so long?' Or is she actually like Lillie trying to get Plushie from Claw Machine?' Y/n chuckled while vibing at the Rap Battle.

After the long music. Kapi step on his own damaged Dance-pad getting a bit wrecked.
Along with Kapi beginning to get more irritated.

"Oh you boys..." GF glance at both of them seemed to be really Excited than earlier.

"C'mon. I obviously beat you". Kapi utter become more Irritated. Yet Bf just think he's totally joking "Haha, You're joking."

". . . Kay I'll show you up" Kapi utter back at BF. Right before they further more, you noticed crowd begin to appear one by one.

Well since there's a crowd Y/n came out where she's hiding and blended into the crowd...

The third music is Boring pretty boring...

----------Another Time skip---------
(Sorry I'm Lazy   T-T)

"My dance-Pad took quite the Damage." Kapi look down at his Dance-pad in disappointment. "I should probably cool down a little."

"This is Entertaining!" GF is enjoying herself watching them Rap battling for some reason...

"There's a lot of people...  Kapi mentions as he glance around. Now that you mention it the place is getting more crowded than before.

"How about one more song, Kapi." Boyfriend interrupts by suggesting once more without letting Kapi continue what he's gonna say next.

"Uh, Alright!" Kapi responded. "Hopefully I can impress her this time." Kapi mumbled to himself.  "Let's settle this, No holding back!" Kapi shout at BF before begin to the last Music.

As the music started to proceed. Y/n feel something fall at her Feet looking down you saw a pocket Knife. 'What's a pocket knife doing here anyway?' Y/n thought as she take the pocket knife and put it into her pocket. Just for safety.

'I'm getting bored here. I'm leaving'  Y/n turn around start to walk away from the crowd searching for Sarv.

The first thing Y/n head to is the claw machine. But Sarv Wasn't there. So she head to the cashier in the arcade where Y/n can trade coupon that she get it by winning a game in an arcade.

And yes she's there trading something. "Sarv what are you doing?" Y/n stand beside Sarv looking at her.

"Oh. I'm just getting a few Cute Hairpin!" Sarv Respond Y/n question with a cheery tone as always. At the same time there's a blackout.

Sarv Grab Y/n Hand and lead her out to the Exit.
'Seriously Kapi Dance-Pad Explode'  Y/n guess remembering Kapi mod in her World.

But what I need to know is... Why There's a Pocket knife In the middle of Crowd?

A/n: Sorry... I'm not really good at English :(

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