◇Chapter 10◇

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Time : 7:37am

(Y/n)'s POV:

I let out a small groan as the sunlight greets my face, and birds chirping happily outside the window. "Ugh...it's morning already...?" I groan out, stretching my hands.

It took me a couple of minutes for me to remember that I'm no longer in my former home. I slowly stand up from my bed, getting ready to start the day. But my head keeps remembering that odd jewel I saw yesterday.

Come think of it, what is that jewel anyway? And why that jewel attracts me so?

As I finished getting ready, I saw that it's still 8:37 am. Which Sarvente probably still asleep in her room.

"Since it's still early...I call this for exploration!"  

In the morning... I can only listen to my own footsteps in the middle of church. I didn't crash or bump to any pillar since it's not Pitch Black like before.

Reaching my destination I found the shiny thing on the original place. 'I think someone return the Jewel back to where it be'


I glance behind to see Sarv standing behind me, "May I Ask, What are you doing?" Sarv stare at me suspiciously.

However I give an explanation that I'm searching for a bathroom but ended up being here. Until something catch my eyes and the thing is the jewel.

"Alrighty, But next time if you find something unsual or anything. promise me to keep it as a secret" Sarv seems nervous.

"And... don't touch that jewel Okay?" She add up.

I nodded signaling I will promise to keep it a secret  "And if you're looking for a bathroom it's right over there!"  Sarv points toward the direction where the bathroom is.

"Thanks Sarv..." I thank her before heading straight to the bathroom. While dashing to the bathroom I paused just recalling not having a single spare clothes.

"Sarv? Can I head out? I kinds need to get a few spare clothes and the other things." I ask Sarvente hoping she allow it.

"Of Course! ,but do you mind me tag along?" She absolutely gonna shopping all day long. Sarv eyes explain it...

"Sure, I don't mind." I shrugs doesn't mind as I begin to check my pocket making sure I had Enough cash. 'the money BF gave me for winning, is plenty enough for the thing I need'

"Wait, let me left a note for Ruv." Sarv started to left a note that Y/n and Sarv are heading to the mall."

"Alright, Shopping here I Come!!" Sarvente Shout in excitement.

--------------Time Skip-----------

'Okay... I need to buy this and those, WTF why it's so expensive? And There's so many Discount where Sarvente Standing...'

"Phew... in the end I got what I needed!" I sigh in relief. "Now, where's Sarv?" Looking around the store I see Sarv still strolling around searching for a good discount
'I'll pay first then'

"Okay that will be ****" I hand the cash, Suprisingly there's still a few money left...
'Better keep it for later.'  I thought as I
Put the leftover money to my pocket as usual.

Perfect timing! Sarvente returned holding many clothes but mostly PINK?! Im shocked and impressed to see Sarv manage to bring all the clothes without any help.

Even the cashier are shocked.

Going shopping along with Sarv is similar like my old BestFriends (Chara & Lillie) because she keep searching here and there. Just like Lillie.

(That's how you feel if you have a Girlfriend who likes to shopping - Author Comment)

Me and Sarv planning to go home but suddenly. Someone passed by caught my attention...

"Who was that just now?" I ask myself. While looking at the direction where the person pass by. Turns out the person who pass by is Boyfriend with Girlfriend together on a date?

And more suprising they're heading to the

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