◇Chapter 20◇

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Time : 02:18pm

(Y/n)'s Pov :

'Ruv seriously you shouldn't have cursed. Now you got second round.' I stare at him with a disappointed expression.

'Not gonna stand here forever, should do something to kill time'  I started to walk to random directions.

Before fully leaving I glance behind one last time, Ruv still had a grumpy look on his face while Sarv scold him.

"Hm? What's that?" So bright there, however that's definitely not the door entrance, It clearly opposite way.

I can see the light cuz, there's to many windows here maybe to many.

'Sarv probably don't mind as long as I keep it a secret... Right?' I unlocked the door. Turns out lead me to the Garden?

"There's a garden? Never know." I glance around the garden in awe. I wander around carefully not stepping any plants on the floor.

"Y/n. Where did you go?" That's when I heard Sarv searching for me. "In the Garden! I think." I shout as loud as I can hoping she could hear me.

It took a few minutes for Sarv go over here. Yet Ruv is Right behind her. She always bring Ruv along it's kinda annoying but I can't do anything.

"Looks like you find out the garden before I wanted to show you." Sarv chuckles at me as she took a hold of my hand and started to show me around the Garden.

'Ugh, why Mid-Fight Masses never show me there's a Garden here?' I keep being dragged by Sarv not knowing what should I do.

"Hey Y/n can you guess which flower is this?" Sarv appear to be interested by guessing the flower Type.

'Lillie often to do something like this. I seriously don't understand what so fun about it.' 

I keep getting the correct answer at every
question Sarv asked me. "Y/n. How did you know so much?" Sarv was shocked at me knowing every single type of flower.

Giggling I told her how did I figured all the flowers without forgetting, Pretty long story I say. "That explain you know all of it."

'Now what time is it? I feel like I've been standing out side for 2 hour.'

"Sarv? Don't you think we've been out here for 2 hours straight? Should we head back?" I say as I let go of her hand.  "Alright."

"Y/n wait, where's Ruv?" Now that you mention it Ruv dissapeared, Don't tell me he left after Sarv started to drag me around.

"He probably left cuz he's bored." I shrugged  before grabbing Sarv hand "C'mon let's go back"

Upon reaching the kitchen an idea popped in my mind. "Sarv? Wanna watch a movie? Who knows there's something interesting."

"Sure! I hope you don't mind Ruv joining."
Sarv really wanted Ruv to join eh? I cannot deny even if I want to.

"It's fine." I smiled at her before searching for a pack of popcorn. "I'll make the preparation you can go get Ruv"

----------------------Time Skip-------------------

"All done." As I put the popcorn on the table Sarv appeared with Ruv behind Her again, But this time she's holding his hand.

"Have any idea what movie should we wa-"
I was cut off by Ruv suggesting one horror movie, Unfortunately Sarv Agreed.

"Terrified?" The ground shook slightly which the voice is coming from Ruv. 'Great just great, I'm dead'

"Nope. Not at all" I'm not letting him know I was terrified of horror movie.
"It settled then" I nodded at him.

The movie went on, Sarv fell asleep in the movie despite being tired.  'I need to use poker face just like I usually do!' I gritted my teeth holding back my fear.

I didn't know there's a jump scare coming up so I let my guard down just for a minute.
That's when the jump scare pop out nowhere.

I almost screamed and buried my face to someone next to me, My position is in the middle of Sarv and Ruv so either I buried myself to Sarv or Ruv.

I look up only to see Ruv staring back at me. "Sorry." I swiftly backed away from him.
'Y/n. What's wrong with you?!' I know my face is red...

But! Be thankful it's dark since Sarv turn off the light, So he couldn't see my face. I wanted to cover my face since I don't him to think I'm Weird.

"It's Fine..." the sudden Voice made me snap out from my thought. "Alright." The movie continues and I fall asleep beside Sarv...

I just reincarnated to Friday Night Funkin?! [Ruv X Reader]Where stories live. Discover now