◇Chapter 17◇

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Time : 8:09am

No One's Pov:

"Ugh..." Y/n groaned as she wakes up from her sleep. At first Y/n planned to have another chat with Sarv cuz she's the best buddy.

"Wish I could sleep longer, It's just to bright to go back to sleep..." Y/n mumbled to herself and getting out from her room searching for Sarv.

Upon reaching the hallway Y/n find a Note sitting on a small table. Y/n looked around to see the hallway was empty. 'welp, better check the note then'

Note: to Y/n

Y/n? It's me Sarv. I hope you don't mind me Leaving You and Ruv alone. You're sleeping so peacefully so I don't want to wake you.

Yesterday we ran out a few Ingredients in a kitchen so I'm at the grocery store right now...  so make yourself at home~


(Y/n)'s Pov:

"No wonder it's so Silent here." I grumbled as I stare at the note Sarv left for me.
'What am I gonna do now? Maybe another prank?' I thought as I crossed my arms.

But after pranking Him again I seriously need to let my guard up Doubled. If Sarv is here Ruv wouldn't do anything, but Sarv isn't here so I need to be extra Careful.

'Now now, which one?' There's so many prank I can used But most of it need a partner help.

Then suddenly there's a Spider Passed on a table. I nearly shrieked 'not gonna lie but I hate spider!'

"Oh I know!" I grabbed a small transparent Box to catch the spider.

'I hate spiders but I'm not gonna cancel the plan!' I hold the spider legs tying up with a black string. 'I can hardly wait for his reaction!  I'm totally Evil.' I could hear myself giggling like a Villain.

I put back the spider to the box I used to catch, And made a few preparation. Not gonna forget to change I'm wearing pajamas here.

It took me long enough to reach the bathroom and get Changed...  if I don't Rap battle BF. I wouldn't get any pocket money and a spare clothes.

'I wonder if I'm gonna meet him again?'

I shake my head forgetting I had a plan i need to do in my mind, I ran to the place where I left my Spider. Good thing Ruv didn't found out.

I took the box with me and go ahead to find Ruv.  "Where is he anyway?" I keep wandering inside the church searching for him.

'There he is!'  He was standing there motionless there must be something bothering him.

'Probably thinking about Sarv OR a plan to kill me?'  I should be fine as long as I stay Alert.

I took out the spider from the box and held it with my hand. "Hey Ruv." I called out which make him turn around staring at me with his usual blank face.  "Think Fast!"

I threw the spider to his face a second after I shout at him. Again he caught the spider without a problem. "Wha?!" I look at him in shock but also fear him throwing back the spider.

Unfortunately for me. He know what I'm thinking and throw back the spider to my face, I shrieked as I tried to brush the spider off my face.

I heard someone letting a small laugh. I let out a sigh after brushing off the spider.
But just after glancing up at him, His laugh vanishes immediately.

"How the hell did you caught that spider so fast anyway." I asked curious on how fast he actually managed to catch it.

He ignored my question before sitting down on a broken pillar.  "I'm sorry, if my prank gone to far." I apologize feeling bad a bit.

"It's fine." Suprisingly he didn't glare at me.
I smiled at him with joyful expression, "Really?" Did my ear just deceive me?

"Do I really need to repeat again?" He glanced at me with displeased.  "Alright Thanks!" Whoa I almost thought my ear is broken.

'Maybe he's not a bad guy after all. Just don't  try to ask to many questions'

A/n : my apologies! For publishing A bit Late!

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