◇Chapter 32◇

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Time : 11:03pm

(Y/n)'s Pov :

I swiftly roll to the side avoiding The killer's attack. As I pulls out my pocket knife at the same time to stab him everytime I had the chance.

'I shouldn't have dropped the flashlight'  I thought regretting what I did earlier. I should have pointed it first at the killer to find out who is it.

Though, judging by their tone earlier. It's pretty deep, and their height is unusual for a regular human. 'Perhaps it's a slenderman from creepy pasta. Wait No! I'm in Friday night funkin!'

The killer or should I say He, froze on the spot staring at me for a couple of seconds before pounced at me again. I back flipped nearly cutted by his knife shaped crescent moon.

As I struggled to reach the flashlight that fell beside me, but he kicked it making it roll away further. Cursing under my breath, I thrust my pocket knife forward resulting his jacket to get ripped in the middle.

Unfortunately, he manage to backaway before my knife pierced into him completely. I could swear I heard a small grunts coming from him.

He kicked me in the stomach throwing me behind, good thing there's a wall behind me, stopping the blow. Still, it hurts like hell, getting my head Slammed against the wall.

Hissing in pain, I stood up gripping the pocket knife in my fist. "...Not giving up so easily Eh?" Changing his tone as if mocking me being an idiot, daring to challenge him.

"Shut up..." I growled at him, pointing my small knife at him. Chuckling at my behavior, he took a small step towards me expecting me to freak out.

Out of sudden he paused his step, though that doesn't stop me from lowering my knife at him. Realizing the second Victim tries to flee, While he's busy handling me.

She panicked and started to Sprint away, in a flash he pushed me out of his way. Proceed to make me stumble to the side.

Unable to run further, she fell into her knee.  "... any Last word?" He Hold his knife shaped crescent moon on her throat.

Picking myself up, I hurriedly ran to them. "Hey! Let go of her!" I yelled loudly on purpose to get his attention.

...Instead of pausing, he proceeded to slit her throat not giving me a chance to save her.
Now she's dead, and I can't save her anymore.

'I know she's just a stranger, but she doesn't deserve to be killed. Unless she done something to make this guy pissed off.'

I watched her body collapse, before turning my attention back to him. (Killer) looks like he's satisfied and also relieved seeing blood started to pool around her corpse.

'Maybe I should arrest the killer? There's no way I can do it by myself though, it's impossible.'

Deciding for a couple of seconds I figured it out to slip away instead. Since it's way to dangerous to fight him unlike the other guy I met last night.

Not paying attention to my surroundings, I ended up bumping into a stack of boxes. And it crashed down... That's how I died.


[Just kidding]

Being crashed down by a stack of boxes may gave me a few bruises or sprain my ankle but hey! of course I'm not Dead.
(Unless the author made me die here)

I attempt to push myself out from the Stacked boxes that crash on me, sadly it was hopeless. Dammit I actually could got out, it's just to heavy.

Suddenly a figure was right in front of me, doesn't looks like they're going to harm me.
Instead, they crouched down lending their hand for me to take.

'It might be a trap or something... but they would've kill me earlier if they want me to be DEAD.'

"Just take it, I won't kill you..." They said plainly. Although I'm still unsure, I took their hand and got pulled out from the Stacked boxes that crash on me.

"T-thanks." I without realizing thanked them, In response they nodded their head.
'...wait, something isn't right'  they're still holding my hand without releasing it.

Even if I tried to pull my hand away, Not working. "Mind release my hand?" I bluntly said getting uncomfortable.

"No." Yet they refused bluntly. "Let go or... you know what will happen." Immediately they released my hand like they figured it out what will happen if they didn't let go of my hand.


'This guy... he's definitely SUS.' I stared at him suspiciously. "No, I'm not." They grumbled annoyingly as if they read my mind.

'Wait...! Don't tell Me.' I wasn't so sure either but it's definitely him.  'I must be crazy.'

*police Siren Sound*

"Great. Just great." Out of sudden they grabbed my wrist dragging me behind a rather large old furniture.

To be Continued?

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