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"So, I'll give you questions and you'll answer, okay?

Seulgi was a little hesitant so she wrote something and lent the yellow paper. 'Are you investigating me, I swear I'm innocent, aside from stealing pringles.' Joohyun let out a mild chuckle knowing how innocent this girl was. A realization then struck her, "You know I was watching you that night?"

The same death glare that could penetrate any soul came back, Seulgi got a little taken back but still proceeded on writing. 'You think I won't notice the only light going shimmer and shine every time past midnight?' The situation had turned, Joohyun nervously chuckled.

"So you know I've been staring at you this whole time?" The latter nodded.


Seulgi silently giggled making her wondered what her laugh actually sounded like. A post-it that was stuck on her palm broke Joohyun's thought. 'Don't worry, I won't mind being watched by an angel every night.' She felt her stomach churned, in a good way. Her heart hadn't felt this way for a good period of time.

Joohyun took a long breath then continue the interrogation. Her finger pointed to the bunny shirt Seulgi wore. "When and how?" She asked trying to change the subject and Seulgi being herself was already moving her pencil.

'It fell from your room the other night. I was planning to return it to you maybe today but when your friend called saying I need to pick you up last night I just took any decent clothes to wear. I may be a chip thief but I'm no baddie. I can return it now since I have my hoodie with me.'

It was like rambling but on a piece of paper. Joohyun faced back to her after the long three pieces of post-it read. The next thing she knew, Seulgi was already halfway through taking off the shirt. Her mind was lost for a moment. Yes, she saw her abs. She heedlessly reached out to stop any further movement and pull it back down, for their safety, or maybe just hers.

"Did you seriousl- just, don't. You can keep it for now."

Seulgi chilled herself down and nodded in response. She pulled another piece of post-it. 'You just asked me four questions, separating the 'when' and 'how'. So I get four favors in return.'

"Another time. And c'mon, I let you wear the shirt plus I only asked questions not favors." At this point, Joouhyun was sulking in front of her.

'I piggybacked you twice.'

"Fine. I owe you three favors. Happy?" She nodded.

"What kind of wicked relationship have I gotten myself into? Now out you go, I need to have my leisure time."

Seulgi jokingly made a pout. She scribbled something before getting out, stuck it to Joohyun's forehead then scrammed out. "The hell?" Joohyun took the attached piece dangling on her face. 'First favor, let's hang out some nights, text me.;]' Joohyun found herself smiling like an idiot.

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