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(Other side)

Seungwan and the couple were literally freaking out as Arin was nowhere to be found. At this point, they didn't know what was worst, the freaking current situation or being beaten up by Joohyun later on. After a few breathing exercises to calm her state, Seungwan had to take the lead. "Emm, I'll check the CCTVs, Sooyoung, ask them to lock the doors, Taeyong, go call any nearby polices to scout the place."

They parted ways for now. Every second counted and lives were at stake. Rewinding the clip to find out who entered and left the room, Seungwan caught a figure. The suspicious male doctor dragged her bed outside when the hallway was nearly empty and apparently never came back. She switched the view to follow his movement which showed him entering the elevator.

"Zoom in." The staff magnified the screen to get a glimpse of the floor numbers changing while the recording kept rolling. It halted a few times before reaching the ground, narrowing the possibility of their whereabouts. She was about to switch to another camera again when the computer shut down. He tried to retrieve the power but the tapes from that day disappeared into thin air. "Sorry, someone from outside must have got into our system."

Seungwan didn't waste any time and called the others using her attached earpiece to inform the floors. Soon they split up with the polices and security crowding the hallways, checking any possible rooms. On the fifth floor were Sooyoung and Taeyong. They had found the lone bed without any Arin so the girl should have been brought inside, right?

Unfortunately, the huge iron door was locked. A staff told them it was the storage room which they kept tightly secured. They had to call the back-ups from the upper floor along with some technicians. Seungwan was left alone with a few guards to keep an eye on the seventh floor.

"Excuse me, where does this lead to?" Seungwan pointed to the farthest door located on the end. "It's a mortuary room, but we rarely use that one anymore." She was sure her eyes didn't lie when they caught a man going in minutes ago. A part of her told her to ignore him yet the other one had this strong desire to come closer and inspect it. And there she went, marching inside the mortuary.

At first glance, everything seemed normal with all the dead freezing chambers piled up on the sides. Her pupils scanned the whole room thoroughly, noting all the unorganized carts lying, a surgery table, and the switched-off lights from the chambers.

Except for one.

Seungwan turned her back, feeling the goosebumps electrocuted her bare skin. "Is one of the chambers broken?" She raised her voice hoping the guards from earlier would hear her. Receiving no reply, Seungwan took little steps towards the mysterious stuff. She gulped her remaining saliva before grabbing the handle. Mentally counting to three, she opened the door.

"Choi Arin!"

Arin laid there face as white as the southern ice. Seungwan pulled her out and moved her to the surgery table. After checking her slow beating pulse, she took off her coat thinking it could warm her off. Ruffling noises that came from behind made her movements came to a stop. She lost count on how many times she had to turn around with the creeping anxiety inside ready to erupt.

"Step away." The somehow familiar voice greeted her. She saw him lifting up a gun after dropping the unconscious guard's body to the floor with his bare hand. He was still in the same doctor coat looking both innocent and devilish at the same time. Seungwan's heart was beginning to adapt to the nerve-wracking situation, but a buzzing noise from her earpiece startled her.

"We got a face recognition. Oh Sehun, 24, same address again as Jongin. That's it. And please save Arin." Yerim's voice filled her eardrums, she swore she was going to smack her ass for only showing up now.

Her pupils trailed to his footwear, the same limited edition boots from Kyungsoo's house. She cursed her fate for encountering a murderer in front of her "Why are you doing this?" The man let out a small chuckle at her remark, lowering his weapon. He had been asking that to himself every day until now.

Why was he doing all this?

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