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Seulgi took off her hoodie and signalled the bunny to lift her hands up. At first, Joohyun seemed to be hesitating, afraid one of them would get cold. Couldn't say no beforehand, Seulgi swiftly put down the others bag and do all of it herself. Eyes locked on the sight of Joohyun wearing her favorite hoodie brought a wide smile to her.

Joohyun nervously fidgeted her fingers, grasping the bottom part of the cloth. Busy with all the thoughts crossing her brains – not believing she has been acting like this around her – the younger softly sticked a post-it on her palms. 'Sorry but I only bring a helmet with me, don't sue me, please.'

Orbs traveling back to the person in front, she was faced with the most adorable puppy face. "Okay okay, I won't," Joohyun assured her in the most motherly way possible. Seulgi returned to her old happy gullible self and began putting the helmet on the bunny.

Unexpectedly, she backed away from it with a reason of wanting to feel the wind. Well, the driver asked her no more and only strapped it on the back seat. Seconds later, both of them ride along the night without any head protection. Joohyun got to admit, this was her first motorcycle ride in a while.

It was a silent ride, Joohyun didn't really want to talk to herself and bothered Seulgi. Their hairs were flapping freely following the breeze's motion. Sometimes Seulgi's hair would make contact with her face, but she didn't care about it. Joohyun's hands slipped forward hugging the slim waist in front her after Seulgi accelerated a bit. The chilling night became warm for them.

Eventually, they arrived back at the familiar apartment. Without any words, Joohyun pulled Seulgi in to her room. The bear was seated innocently like a kid on the sofa and Joohyun went straight to wash herself. "You know, there's this technology called a phone but you still used post-it. May I know why?"

Joohyun stepped into her kitchen and put her hot chocolate skills to use. From time to time, she would take a glimpse of Seulgi busy with her phone. Ignoring the cold shoulder, she focused back on the unfinished beverage.

"I think it can seem rude if we're talking like this and suddenly I started playing with my phone."

The older was a little shook for a moment almost spilling the drinks in her holds. It was the Google Translator and Joohyun found Seulgi's reason made total sense. She was like that minutes ago thinking the bear didn't quite hear her. They sat side by side enjoying the chocolate's warmth.

Time passed as they conversed, mostly Joohyun and the electronic translator. She decided it would be fine talking to it rather than talking to nothing. It was time where Joohyun talked about her lack of sleep problem. But the ironic thing was her drowsily saying her thoughts.

"Why don't you try sleeping now?"

The robotic voice spoke. Joohyun didn't bother answering, not to mention moving from her spot. Seeing this, Seulgi pushed her body down from the other side carefully until her head fell on her lap. A minute had not passed yet a snore could be heard. She was glad the older could finally sleep in comfort though it wasn't the most comfy position.

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