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Justice and freedom.

Those were the things Kai hated the most yet he was the one who always trying to reach them. Growing up together with Jongin and his father has been an unexplainable twist. The two were a pair of inseparable mischievous boys since their household wasn't in the best condition. The father has been working nonstop for their living and the kids would sometimes snatch on the nearby food stalls to save money.

One day their father came home with a suitcase, one that was packed with an unbelievable amount of dollars. Since then, they began to live a normal life, paying off all their debts. Kai was able to pursue his studies and Jongin could finally join a dance club of his dream. But father rarely came back again and when he did, he would only patch up his wounds then rest just to go off early at dawn.

The twins became restless about their father's current occupation. Was it something dangerous? Was it really important until he couldn't bond with them like they used to? So one night they followed him when the sky darkened. "Kai, look! The stars are so bright today!" Jongin chimed as they walked silently behind.

"Huh? Since when did you become interested in the sky?"

"A friend of mine from the dance club told me that she likes watching the night sky. She usually spent hours just to stargaze and now that I try giving a look it sure is amazing."

"She? Did you find a girlfriend before me?" Kai teased causing Jongin to blush a little. They giggled and continued their journey. Jongin pointed to the sky, elbowing his twin in the process. "See that one bright star? I'll name that one after you. Ow and the one besides is me." Kai snorted at his brother's ridiculous statement but went along with it.

"Did your friend do the same thing too?" Jongin nodded with a grin. Kai gripped his brother's wrist and fastened their pace. "C'mon we'll give a star for dad too so we can be complete." They admitted the whole thing was somewhat cheesy, but there was no fault in doing it anyway.

They suddenly stopped and hide behind a wall. Peeking out they saw their father talking with a bunch of men that had an 'unfriendly' face in their mind. The distance kept them away from listening to their conversation. After a few minutes, they heard a loud thud. A man brought his fist up and punched their father on the stomach.

Jongin wanted to barge in but Kai covered their mouths and restrained him from moving any further. They watched as the father pleaded for mercy with tears running down. They couldn't do anything but cry at the spot. Their eyes were glued when one of them holds out a gun and aiming it at his head. Jongin became more desperate to free himself from Kai's hold but it was no use.

No more time to think and a loud bang echoed. They froze as their father fell down lifelessly in his own pool of blood. Moments later, sirens from the street were heard and the boys had no choice but to run away from the scene. "Kai, what's h-happening t-to dad?"

Kai couldn't speak as he choked on his own tears while grabbing his brother's hand. They ran faster until they reached their house door. Their knees felt weak and finally gave up. Sliding themselves on the door without fully grasping the situation, they could only accept reality with heavy hearts. In the end, they cried to sleep under the bright yet gloomy night sky.

The next morning, polices woke them up and immediately asked questions, they were only nodding during the whole session until a certain statement from the police hit.

"Your father was a part of a drug dealer squad that we've been searching. Thanks to him we finally got a lead."

Is that it? Kai lifted his head with eyes full of anger and pain. Their father was a good hardworking man. He was a superhero in their sight. A man that kept the family going strong until now. Are they going to leave his case just like that? Aren't they going to give him justice? Is their father only a stepping stone in this society?

The morning went by and the polices picked them up from their home. They were dropped at an orphanage with heads full of questions. One of them is why are they leaving the house. The polices tried contacting any relatives available but a faraway uncle bluntly asked them to put the boys in an orphanage and give the house to him.

That was when Kai and Jongin realized, the world is a cruel place.

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