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Chan tightened his grip on Yerim's wrist and basically dragged her with him so she wouldn't be a lost soul in the cargo maze. On the way, they met a few police, and by a few, they were only eight people available. "We're a small station what do you expect?" One of them replied back. They split their search to widen the area. Usually, it would be an easy task to spot two bright-colored vans, but the span of the port wasn't really helping.

Stopping after what felt like running a marathon, their ears perked up at a creaking sound nearby. Yerim signaled one of the officers to surround the source while the boy analyzed their suspicious movements. The taller shadow was busy locking the house-sized shipping warehouse. Chan noted that he was the Chanyeol dude and the pink-haired one was Baekhyun.

He structured a messy but kind of guaranteed to be a successful plan in a short minute and beckoned Yerim to come closer. They called the polices around to stay alert and shoot only if the situation became out of control. Once they agreed on doing whatever Chan had in mind, Yerim emerged from behind the shades.

"They're not gonna suffocate inside right? We're just giving non-harmful threats, right?" Baekhyun scrunched his eyebrows unsurely waiting for Chanyeol to finish mentally calculating his work.

"Don't worry, we mixed 1 liter of baking soda and 50 ml of vinegar so that will produce 0.83 moles if I ain't wrong. Converting it to ppm, 3,550 ml per 0,1 moles so multiply it with 8.3, it should be approximately 29,645 ppm of carbon dioxide inside. You can still be fine with 30,000 ppm in a room for maybe 10 minutes- oh shit, is exceeding that time range gonna be lethal? I don't exactly know if evaporating them in a stove reduces the number and if the space in the chamber affects but I think we messed up."

"Bro, I-"

"I'm sorry, okay, I only sight-read Junmyeon hyung's book. I failed chem remember?"

"Sight-read my ass, you're no musician-" Baekhyun's words were cut by the approaching sound of rough footsteps making contact with gravels underneath. They composed themselves to hid any suspicion. "Excuse me, I heard some noises coming from here. Do you guys work here? I've never seen you two before."

Yerim appeared to them as a cargo worker on her night shift and they were showing signs of trusting her act. "E-em, we're on trial today, we just checked the supply inside there." Chanyeol stuttered on making an excuse and his face became even flustered when Yerim raised an eyebrow. She wanted to snort at them so bad for being so easily tricked.

Baekyun leaned his head to the latter's side and whispered, "We're fucking doomed, we're gonna be children murderers and Kai is surely disowning us."

"Hey, hey, what are you mumbling about? I need to ask your identities to the boss."

Chanyeol, slightly panicking, moved his hands to stop the girl from grabbing her phone. The little quarrel resulted in Yerim accidentally dropping her gun. They froze on the spot, eyes darting towards the thump on the ground. "You're a police." The pink-haired man advanced to point a gun at her.

As soon as the atmosphere changed, blinding flashlights from the corners a few feet away shone on them. Behind the lights were the officers in hiding, ready to fire at any moment. "Open the door." Yerim politely asked with a smirk plastered. The two didn't really have any choice left, either they rot in jail or die the current time. Hanging on the verge of desperation, they made a split-second eye contact and began sprinting the opposite way from the warehouse.

But hope faded away when a new source of yellow light dashed in their direction.


A truck loader crane accelerating at a drag-racing speed came towards them. From the window, you could see a head peeking out that belonged to Chan. Baekhyun and Chanyeol threw their bodies to the sides right before the truck crushed them to pieces. Chan banged the vehicle to the neatly locked warehouse door, causing it to flung open.


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