12. Training

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"What do they think of themselves? A bunch of old people saying that I am not worthy? Bullshit. I'll prove how wrong they are about me. And woman? They said I was just a woman? Well this woman will show what we are capable of all. Rascals." I cursed my way to my room in hurried footsteps. I wanted to get rid of the gown and even take a shower to calm myself. Those men have shown so much disrespect towards me that I wanted to rip their heads off that instant. I opened the door of my bedroom and saw Marce seated on the couch, staring at the wall opposite to him.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, rather in a sharp tone that made him look at me. Without a word he came towards me and took me in his embrace.
"What are you doing?" I asked but my voice was smaller than before as I was more than surprised.
"You were so brave today." He mumbled into my hair.
" I had to. How dare they say something like that about me? I am not going to forget what they said in there." I let go of his embrace and faced him.
"You are going to train me. I believe in my wolf but my human self has never fought. You'll teach me whatever is necessary to prove that I am strong." I huffed out.
"You don't need to prove anything to anyone. They already got their answer through your words-"
"No Marce. There is going to be a tournament and I will fight for my position. No backing off." I said confidently.
"Fine. Now get some rest." Marce said and left the room.
"Rascals." I cursed once again and stripped off the gown. Stepping into the shower I realised how narrow minded those people were. No wonder there's not a single female Alpha in this world. I huffed and finished my shower. A call cut me of my dream world.
"Hello?" I said.
"Fiona is that you?" Laila's voice boomed through the call. I took a minute to swallow as I wasn't aware of how she got my number.
"Where are you? You said you'll call me when you reach but look at you enjoying the vacation with your boyfriend. How dare you treat me like that?" She said in an angry tone. She sounded disappointed.
"How did you get my number?" I asked.
"Your boyfriend gave it to me. He called saying that you were busy hence couldn't call. What's his name? Yeah Marce."
Marce told Laila that he was my boyfriend?
"Yeah there were functions going on. I am so sorry. How are you?"
"I am fine. What about you? When did you get your boyfriend? You should have atleast told." She sounded very disappointed.
"Well you see we met just a month back and I wasn't ready to introduce him to you cause I had no hope." I lied. If Marce has declared him as my boyfriend then there must me something that he wants to hide.
"Fine. I am happy as long as you are happy." She sighed," When are you coming back? What about highschool? You still have a class to pass."
"Yeah I'll tell you when I think of that. You see it's so busy in here that I have totally forgotten about school."
"Whatever. You need to get a job so study. I'll cut the call now. Call me frequently. I care for you and it's hard for me to keep my heart in place when I feel like you are in trouble." She said calmly.
"I missed you." I mumbled.
"Me too." She mumbled back.
"You seem sad. What is it?" I asked.
"Ah nothing. My boyfriend just got admitted to the hospital due to a car accident. Don't worry he's fine. You take care of yourself. Bye."
"You too." I cut the call and flopped down on the bed. Talking to Laila made my heart lighter but hearing her sad voice clenched my heart. I wish I was there with you.
"Help yourself." Ava placed a plate of spaghetti infront of me right in the morning.
"I like pancakes." I pouted.
"Yuck. Don't do that. And about pancakes,well you see you need to eat something wholesome.
for training." I shook her mixing spoon at me like an old granny.
"Fine. But I can't eat all these."
"Eat whatever you like. And also drink the orange juice."
"Yes ma'am." I saluted at her which made her smile. We went out after the breakfast, us in our tracksuits, we came across young men practicing in the field. Marce saw me coming and shot a smile at me. I smiled back at him.
"Show respect." Marce said harshly to the men who kneeled down instantly and said in unison, "ALPHA!"
I nodded at them and gestured for them to continue.
"Let's start by running a mile." Ava said to me in the most casual way as if it was nothing for her. I gulped down and started running after her into the forest area. We were soon followed by Olivia, Mia and Star. It was 4 in the morning and the area around was still dark.
"Highness, we felt so proud of you yesterday. You were so great." Mia said smiling widely at me. She was fifteen but still managed to be a part of the Female warrior group. She was short, around 5'2 ,redhead with naturally green eyes. She looked cute with her button nose and twinkling eyes.
"It was infuriating. You did a great job Alpha." Olivia said in her thick British accent.
"Are you British?" I asked.
"Yes Alpha I was born there. My mum shifted from there and joined this pack. I was initially a part of Cannibals." She said. She was a taller woman. At the age if 24 she looked fierce with her fiery red eyes. When I first met her, she had sunglasses on so I couldn't see her eyes that well.
"Why did you leave Cannibals?" I asked as we jogged our way around the forest line.
"Well you see only 0.1% of warewolves have red eyes. When I was born, their scientists wanted to test on me and my mother didn't want that to happen to me. After a few years people started calling me a monster and the Alpha there thought that I should be killed. Hence my mum and dad left that pack. My dad was killed on the way by them and I somehow came here with my mum. Alpha Rage was generous enough to take me under his wing. And after training and all I became a part of this group." She said with ease. She had pixie haircut. Her hair was black and so were her lashes and eyebrows. I was stunned by her beauty. She had an athletic build with biceps and abs popping out through her thin vest.
" You are so beautiful." I said smiling at her. " I have never seen such rare beauty before."
"Thanks." She chuckled at me.
"What's your story Star?" I asked but I found her zoning out as we trotted our way back and forth.
No response.
"Am I pronouncing her name correctly?" I asked Ava.
"Yes highness. She tends to zone out a little." She laughed at her and then hit her on the head.
"What? What happened?" Star said in her silky voice," did I miss something?"
"I was asking about your story." I chuckled.
"I apologise Alpha." She scratched the back of her head but got her long nails entangled into them. She cleared her throat and started.
" I was adopted by Mia's parents. They found me outside the pack borders. Mia's parents were Omegas and they were cleaning the pack borders along with other Omegas. They found me in the bushes. Someone had got rid me because I was limp at that moment. I couldn't walk properly. But with treatment and training I was able to walk, run and even become the part of this group." She smiled. She looked like an Asian. She had monolid eyes and small nose. She had very long hair, almost touching her knees which she had put up in a braid. Her smile made her eyes vanish which made her look cute. She was though a bit different. Her hair was brown with golden streaks and her skin was tanned. Her eyes were also in pitch black colour.
"Mia?" I turned to Mia who was dabbing her sweat away and putting on some powder to her face.
"My parents are Omegas. They do the chores of the pack. We are like 50 people who are Omegas. I fought with other candidates to get this position." She explained and then offered to put that powder on my neck. I gladly accepted. We sat for some time on the grass and I was panting heavily.
"When will the training start?" I asked Ava who was chugging down water.
"At 7 Marce will take you to the field. He will show tricks and ways to tackle your opponent." She said calming down her thirst and then passed the bottle to me.
"Perfect." I chimmed.
"You tuck down like this and then Jab!" Marce showed me by tucking down my arm as I laid a blow at him.
"Yeah that kind of hurts." I said rubbing my chin a bit.
"Sorry about that, but there should be a lot of force when you do that. The person infront should see stars when you give him that jab." Marce pointed at my face. I just nodded.
"Do it to me." He said.
I tried doing and mastered it after some time.
"Perfect. We'll practice a few more moves and then try those at that dummy." I nodded and smiled at him.
"Don't distract me with your smile." He shook his head at me.
"As if you get distracted." I rolled my eyes at him.
Suddenly he laid a hard punch on my ribs but subconsciously I was able to stop that in an instant, making my hand hurt from the impact.
"Good." Marce smirked at me and then started laying more of those hard punches at me and I was to stop them from touching my body. I tried hard but failed when he slammed my back. I fell down panting heavily on my back.
"What? You were doing good. Come on." Marce stretched out his hand.
I huffed and sprang back to my feet, lounging onto him to attack. He lost his balance and we both fell down on the ground, mud covering us up. I started laughing as Marce's eyes were wide when he was about to fall.
"It was fun!" I said in a cheerful tone which made him smile.
"Sure it was. Now get off me." He pointed towards his chest. I didn't even notice that I was laying comfortably on his chest, slamming it as I laughed at him.
"Sorry." I mumbled and got back to my feet.
"It's fine. Since we have some moves to practice, let's finish it off and then we'll meet at the cafe for some lunch. Okay?" Marce said.
"Sure." I smiled. He was showing interest in training me and it felt good to be trained for something that will define my qualities. It's not that I lack qualities of becoming a leader but I wanted to teach those rubbish mentality people what a woman can do.
After practice and lunch, dad called us for a meeting at his office. I wore my tank top and jeans and hurried off towards his office when I heard muffled voices coming from inside.
"You are taking grave risk trusting her. How old is she? 19! It's not an age to rule a pack! All Alphas are experienced and the youngest one , Alpha Lucas form Cannibals is in his twenties. Shouldn't you wait for her to atleast finish her highschool?" Someone said. Then I heard my dad's voice.
" We can't wait. It's already late. What if Prestige have no Alpha to rule it? The rogues will attack the pack in minutes and you know what type of animals they are! Prestige will finish in seconds!"
"But how can you lay all these responsibilities onto a small girl? Is she even ready for it? Let her have her life."
"And her life can cost us our pack. What about the pack people?"
"Then make Marce the next Alpha! He knows his work. He has a lot of experience and above all he is the strongest Gamma prestige has ever had. Why not make him the Alpha? Your daughter can then marry him and become the Alpha Female. They'll rule together."
"But dad, my daughter deserves her position!" My dad yelled at the former.
"It's stupidity Rage! You are making a grave mistake." The former yelled back. I was all in confusion. What were they talking about? And what about Marce?
"What are you doing?" I felt someone's hand on my shoulder.
Oh shit!

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