4.Where am I?

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"Got her in time."
"No. We were late."
"She is just a human and nothing else for us."
"She is the futur-"
A loud slap echoed through the almost empty cell where I was put in. A man had slapped my right face with so much force that my face became sore. I groaned loudly as I tried to stable myself and my eyes refused to focus on the people infront of me.
"Bitch!" The man who slapped me before, grabbed my jaw and spat his curse at me. Another blow at my nose and somehow I was able to stabilize and then I saw what could be completely called...Hell.
There were men, only men in just jumpers, showing their canines at me. I felt blood flow from my nose and tried to focus on the man near me. He was tall, very tall. He held his hands in fists ready to hit me. I somehow looked down at myself. I was still in my bathrobe but it was all stained with what not.
"Where were you my these entire time princess." A man came out of the group and licked his lips viciously. He came near and bent down to my level, tracing a long nail down my face as he spoke again.
"We thought you were dead. Your parents, those bitches were clever huh. They told the world that you are gone forever. We thought we've won the war but no you were there this entire time to fuck us when the right time comes eh!" He spat on my face.
"We thought you'll all be so powerful but look at you, all fragile and tender." He licked his lips again and pinched my arm. I flinced at his words. What was I ? What were they talking about?

"Killing you would be a child's play. How about you mate with me and then you can live." He started tracing his finger at my cleavage. I squirmed and tried pushing him but I was tied on the floor with painful restraints.

"Mark, how about we all mate with her?" The man who slapped me before eyed me viciously.
"But her mom was way more delicious, don't you think?" A man said with his eyes fixed on some instrument he was preparing. The cell echoed in laughter. I couldn't take it anymore. Who were they to say something like that?
" You swines! I'll kill you!" I yelled with all my might. They laughed again making me boil in anger.
"Stacy was a fucking meal." One of the young ones spoke which made me tug at my restraints.
Stacy, the name engraved on my chest. I knew I had some connections with that perticular person who's name was written in small on my body, below my collar bone. I yelled again and this time the restraints started piercing my skin but something clicked and I was able to free myself from those.

"She is trying to shift." One of the men yelled, terrified.
"She won't be able to do that. She had never shifted in her life." The older one yelled back at him. By that time I was infuriated. The mere mention of a name burned a fire inside me and I pounced on the nearest target and snapped his head away from his body.
The place became silent and then I saw my hands turning into claws. Something called out to me in my mind. It was a voice.
"Let me out!" It pleaded. This time I gave in. The voice took over me and I just saw myself ripping the bathrobe and coming out as a full fledged wolf. My fur was greyish black and my claws dug at the ground.
Many fled away seeing my enormous wolf and only a few were left who too shifted into their wolves but unfortunately for them, they were smaller than me. I pounced at them and tore their heads and limbs away from their precious body and howled in pleasure when their blood ran into my mouth. I howled and stood there looking at my prey when I saw something coming inside that cave like cell, calling out my name.
"Fiona!" His voice sounded familiar. I growled when I saw Marce jogging his way inside the cell.
"Whoa!" He stopped in this tracks and eyed me.
"Fiona?" He looked into my eyes and something superior inside me growled it's disapproval of being looked into my eyes.
He flinced and his eyes widened. He quickly kneeled down on the ground and hung his head low and called out,
"Your highness, forgive me for not coming early." He said in a strong yet submissive tone. My wolf responded with a sharp Hyena like laughter that made him flinch again and then it started withdrawing back into my mind. I fell down on my knees, naked. I quickly wrapped myself in the tattered bits of my bathrobe and called out to him in my weak voice.
"Marce? Is that you?" My jaw cracked as I tried speaking. He looked up and ran towards me and opend up this black t-shirt and made me wear it. It went down to my thighs. I flinced with evey motion that I tried making.
"Don't move that much. Let me help you." He said with concern as he lifted me up bridal style and took me out of the cave. I unknowingly clutched at his bare chest for dear life as I saw those dead bodies. I was aware that it was me who had killed them but I was not able to accept that. Marce took me to the vehicle that was parked outside. It wasn't the Porsche he had when he dropped me at school but a jungle jeep. He placed me carefully on the passenger seat and took out a first aid box from the trunk. He started sterilizing my wounds and fixing those up with stitches and bandages. My eyes filled with tears because my wounds were hurting a lot. He looked up to stare at me while I cried and hissed because of the pain. He removed his gloves and wiped my cheeks with gentle strokes. He smoothed my hair back.
" You are much stronger than this." He mumbled.
He finished cleaning up my wounds and then started for somewhere. There was no one around and even if I knew it was dangerous for me to go with a total stranger but I had no choice than to go wherever he takes me. The entire ride was quiet and he would glance at me through the mirror. He stopped infront of a small cabin and came trotting to the passenger seat and picked me up. He mumbled a sorry when I hissed with pain. I again clutched him and it felt somewhat good to be so near him. His upper body was still bare and it had a significant smell that made my heart flutter. He took me inside and placed me on the couch.
"I need a bath." My voice was hoarse and it barely came out.
"Sure, I'll take you there. Hope you can change by yourself?" It was rather a question but my cheeks flushed with those words. I curtly nodded and then he took me inside a bathroom fitted with a shower and a small bathtub. He brought out a few towels and this clothes for me to wear.
"I don't have anything else than men's wear. But I'll buy you some. Just wear these for the meantime." He sounded shy.
I nodded and waited for him to leave. I stripped myself off his tshirt and placed it in the bucket that was there. I looked at myself and a small cry erupted from me. He knocked at the door.
"Are you okay? We'll talk about you after you finish washing up okay? Call me when you are done. I am sitting here...er...er..on the couch....okay??" He sounded tensed.
"Okay." I managed to speak a little louder.
I quickly cleaned myself up and then came out to see him standing there in attention. I giggled. "What are you doing?"
"Er...um...I was waiting for you. Shall I carry you then?" He said.
"No I am a lot fine now. You too should freshen up. I'll go sit at the couch." My voice was heavy and my throat throbbed as I spoke. He nodded an disappeared into the bathroom. I sat on the couch. My body still ached but I looked around myself and thought. What actually happened to me? Who were they and why am I here?

" Shit! Shit! Shit! Laila must be worried! I am dead!" I clutched my hair. "Argh!!"

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