31. A Name so Familiar.

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The cold wind blew straight at our faces, making me shiver for a second. I squinted my eyes to look at whoever was at the door but only a dark shadow was what visible.
A tall lanky man in grey overalls came up to the door. He waited for a couple of seconds before entering the hall. Once he was inside, he removed his dark glasses to glance around the place and I don't know why something in me feared that he might see me, that he has come for me although I never saw him before in my entire life...or have I?

He looked around, his eyes scanning the room as if to find someone but he dropped them suddenly. He then put his glasses in his coat pocket and walked towards the visitors place where other Alphas were sitting and chatting. He walked slowly, no hurry in his steps to get himself a seat but eventually he did, so sighing he sat down. His blonde hair, his wandering eyes,making me doubt my memories. But the look in his eyes didn't seem familiar to me nor did his face made sense to me.

Who is he even?

"He's the newly appointed Gamma of Cannibals." Star didn't even look at me while answering my question.
I jumped out of my thoughts at her sudden answer. How does she know I was thinking about him? Does she reads mind or what? But I didn't question her about it.

"Why is that I have never seen him before?" I crossed my arms around my body as the place felt a bit colder than before.

"Well Cannibals technically had no Gamma or Beta ever since Alpha Lucas has been on the throne. He has been watching the pack all alone and I don't know where this worm came from. He's not giving me good vibes."
Star rolled her eyes at the man who didn't seem to notice us.
"How could he? He's from Cannibals afterall." Olivia added with a huff. I unexpectedly chuckled at their reactions.

Gosh they really hate Cannibals.

I looked back at the now seated Gamma of Cannibals who just stared at the painting of a landscape on his opposite wall. The others had started talking to each other and started eating the starters but he just sat there and stared at the painting as if his life depended on it.
Almost thirty minutes had passed and I had made my way up to the guests to say my hellos and request them to enter the meeting hall. One by one I greeted the Alphas and their Betas. I only came to a halt when I neared the Gamma of Cannibals.

And he was still staring at the painting!

What's wrong with this man?

It took all my efforts to not run away because his vibe was just so chilly. I made myself ready to face him but something in me just wanted to run away, to hide somewhere, where I couldn't see him....But....why should I? I am the reigning Alpha of Prestige. I fear no one but....why is this man feels like a threat?

"Sir," Olivia cleared her throat and called him. As soon as he heard her, he whipped his head towards me at lightning speed and I heard a crack in his neck. I grimaced inwardly. He looked dead at my eyes and smiled a crooked smile.

But.....I wasn't the one who called him.

"Good evening Sir. This is Alpha Fiona."
Olivia said but there was a hint of annoyance in her voice. Still she smiled at the man who stood up to face me.

"Hello, Alpha." He said in a breathy tone. With his smile not going and his eyes fixed at my face, he extended his thin, almost boney hand to me. I nervously shook his hand and smiled a bit but lost my smile as he suddenly gripped my hand tight. He started squeezing my hand. Panicking I tried to remove my hand from his grasp. I kept on struggling with anxiety filling up inside me. I tried removing my hands as if I would forever be trapped in those. Star squared up her shoulders and almost hit the man. I turned and twisted my hand and finally had to yank my hand hard which made him let me go. Star was an inch close to hitting his face but stoped when he left my hand. He chuckled lowly as he eyed me from top to bottom.

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