1.What's left for me here?

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"How can I be so dumb?" I cursed under my breath as I sprinted for the last bus that would take me to Aldolce Cafe. I was already fifteen minutes late for my job and I was sure that I'll get my wages cut for that but I had no choice. I loved history and when the teacher suggested for an extra class to explore the old documentaries of Trahan I totally forgot that I had a job to do.
Hi! My name is Fiona. I don't have a surname because my parents thought it sounded good that way. I am nineteen years old and I live in a cheap studio apartment that was left behind by my "parents". I air quoted that because they actually are not my real parents. I was adopted from God knows where and my parents were actually not willing to take me in cause that showed in their behaviour towards me. I was made to do all sorts of work for them and there was a time when they smuggled drugs through my school bag back when I was in preschool. Fortunately or unfortunately, they died in a road accident when they were fleeing the states, leaving me with my belongings in that studio apartment when I was fourteen. I don't know why they were fleeing away and what type of vehicle hit them, I was just called by the police for the identification and that day I felt as if my world has come to an end. I didn't know how I was to support myself. I somehow gained courage and talked to my principal Miss Lindsey, she was a young lady, newly recruited in the post. I remember I cried in front of her and she patted my back and told me she would take me in. Even if I was fourteen, I had that self respect(or call it whatever) that I refused her offer. Instead I pleaded her to help me find a job. She told she would provide me a part time job and also a scholarship if I pass the upcoming exam with an A+. I smiled through the pain and guess who got an A+? That's me. So I got that scholarship and the part time job which was in a cafe called Aldolce. I did whatever I could for my expenses and at the age of sixteen, I tried something that girls won't do, atleast for money. One fine day I was cleaning up the tables when this young man of twenty three stepped inside the cafe and ordered a nice little breakfast. I gave him fried eggs and sandwiches which he gobbled up in seconds. He stood up and walked towards me to the counter.
"You need something else, Sir?" I asked him politely.
" Do you Pole dance?" He blurted out.
"Wha-hat?" My jaw fell down.
" Pole dance. I see you everyday working so hard in this cafe. How about you do a couple of shows and trust me you will get double the wage you get here in a month." He whispered the last part.
" Sorry , but I don't know that sort of acrobatics." I laughed it out.
" You will learn in an instant. You've got those right muscles for it."
"And what do you get from it?" I eyed him.
" There will be more people in my bar to see the new face."He smiled awkwardly.
"Bar?" I gulped.
" It's just a bar, not a stripper one. Yeah yeah there are strippers but they are all those experienced ones. Trust me you will only have to dance."
I nodded and I don't know why I did that. I debated with myself whether to trust this man or not, who's name was Kurt as he gave me his business card. I ended in that bar for a week to practice pole dancing and to my surprise there was a male dancer who was twenty three, blonde, skinny guy with blue eyes who's name was Bert. He taught me patiently and told me that even if you are doing this in a bar, it was just an art for us. I learnt the basics in a week and performed with him on every Saturday. Basically it was Bert who would do the major part and I was used as a prop. Kurt got a lot of customers who came specially on Saturdays to see the act and there was nothing bad about it. I got much more money but I still worked in the cafe. I somehow managed to do my studies as well. Things started rotting when I noticed that Bert was trying to flirt with me and touch me inappropriately. He would spank me in the middle of the show and people would hoot at me. I first thought it was just a part of my job. He then started kissing me on my neck and breasts and I couldn't hold my anger. I climbed down the pole and ran away from the bar. Kurt came to search for me and promised that Saturday shows will be my own and Bert won't me around me. I agreed cause the money was too good. I did a couple of shows and one day when I came to the room to change I saw Bert standing there with my clothes, sniffing them!
"Bert! What the actual fuck? Get out of here before I call Kurt!" I yelled at him.
He smirked and came towards me and started touching me. I tried hard to scream and call for help but he had control of my mouth, arms and legs and before I could do anything, he bite down my neck, kissing it forcibly. I lost all senses and I bite his hand down as hard as I could and then when I felt my canines elongating, my heart fluttered with the taste of blood and before I knew what I was doing, I started sucking his blood out. Bert screamed and thrashed everywhere but I started pinning him down, sucking the hell out of him as I shifted into a full grown wolf. My bones ached, my head throbbed and my muscles tensed as I howled my way out of that bar. I ran back to my room and in the middle of the empty night road, I fell unconscious. The next thing I knew, I was in my bed, naked and bruised. I had mud all over my body and my body ached with evry muscle I moved. I somehow climbed down my bed and started for the bathroom when I saw a small note on the wall. It said

"Fiona, it looks like you too are a wolf. I saved you somehow from the eyes of these humans but it's not a good thing that you are with those humans around you. If they get to know what they are, you'll be dead. I'll keep and eye on you."

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