19. The dinner party

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I didn't want to go to that party. I didn't want to face that man who tried to hurt my only family but I had to go cause then only I'll be able to get hold of him and punish him for what he did.
It's tiring. I was fed up of people coming to me and telling me that I wasn't a good person and I wasn't worthy of my position. I met my dad after ages and the only thing he wants from me is that I should be the next Alpha. But these bullshit people are trying to hurt him. I felt frustrated and enraged at those people. My dad was my everything. He loved me and I just wanted to keep him happy. I will do anything for him.

Sighing I made my way to the walk in closet, staring at the few dresses, I blinked a few times and then shoved my hand in the closet. I took out whatever I could get a hold on and it came out to be the cream/light yellow dress that I had. Fine.

I styled my hair into straight strands and did a peachy makeup, put on my small ear hoops and let my hair loose

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I styled my hair into straight strands and did a peachy makeup, put on my small ear hoops and let my hair loose. I wore a few accesories but then an idea struck my mind. How about I sneak silver knives and small weapons inside my dress? If anything happens,I won't have to shift rather use my weapons to tackle them.
I didn't want to show them what my wolf looks like. I smirked when I found a few silver weapons, small knives with protectors, needles and silver cards with sharp ends placed in the faraway drawer of my jewellery cabinet. I placed a few needles inside my purse and hid the knives under the dress in black holders. Even when the material of the dress was thin, but it didn't make my weapons bulge out of it. Satisfied with my knee length dress, I put on some white heels and came down to meet Star in her deep blue suit pant. She had her long hair in a bun with a few strands of hair framing her round face. She looked at me and gasped loudly.

"You look so pretty!" She said which made me sigh

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"You look so pretty!" She said which made me sigh.
"You look pretty too." I smiled at her which made her face glow up.
"I'll be your guard for today. I'll follow you everywhere."
I nodded at her and waited for dad to come down. He had his usual black tux on, his hair gelled to perfection, his grey stubble made him look handsome. He smiled at me and Star and told us that he'll be waiting outside.
"I'll go see Marce for a minute. Would you mind waiting for me in the car?" I turned to Star who nodded with a smile on her red lips and walked towards the car while I went to the small cabine that Marce lives in. It's near the castle or mansion in which my father and I live. I walked in my normal pace thinking about how he would react after what I said in that small meeting we had. Sighing I reached the door and knocked at it twice. A very sleepy Marce opened the door in his black shorts only. Fresh drops of water were beaded on his mascular torso and his hair was wet and ruffled. With a hand towel in one, he was drying his hair when he opened the door for me.
"Come on in." He said in his calm, yet deep voice which was enough to make my spine shiver. I turned my head away from him to avoid looking at his bare self.
"I just came to say goodbye. My dad and Star are waitin-" I couldn't finish my sentence as he yanked me inside his cabin. I fell on his body with a gasp. I stabled myself somehow and looked into his grey orbs that told me that he was hurt and sad.
"Please don't be angry with me." I touched his hand slightly as I pleaded with my eyes.
"I am trying." He mumbled.
"I can't take all of you with me. What if another attack happens? Zack won't be able to handle it alone. This pack needs you more."
He sighed, coming closer to me he wrapped his arms around my body. The warm feeling of his body and fresh smell of shower had me melted into his touch. He hid his face in the crook of my neck and inhaled sharply. Goosebumps erupted all over my body.
"Be safe and mind link with me whenever you need me." He said ,refusing to let go of me.
"I will." I patted his head slightly. Although I didn't know how to mind link with someone, I lied that I will do that. If I tell him, he won't let me go alone. I can't take him to Darkshield. He needs to be the backup for us. We parted after a few seconds.
"I have to go." I whispered.
"Be safe." He leaned down to kiss me softly, cupping my face in one hand and grabbing me by my waist in the other. He pulled back but I was craving for more. I sighed and rubbed the lipstick stain from his lips that got transferred. With a last kiss I went out of his cabin into the car that was waiting for us. Star and I sat behind while my dad sat in front with the driver. We started our journey to the Darkshield territory and there was nothing but anger in my mind for Alpha Richard.
Reaching the Darkshield territory we stepped out of the car on the cool pavement that was lit up by a few lights. An Omega came to greet us.
"Hello your highnesses. My name is Alfred. Please follow my lead." He smiled warmly at us and gestured towards the entrance.
We shared a glance as we walked behind Alfred. I made sure my weapons are in correct positions. We walked towards a tall Alpha Richard who had his mouth shut in a thin line, his hands crossed over his stomach. My dad shook his hand and so did I. He forced a smile towards us and took us to the hall where a few more families were seated. In the crowd of royalties I saw a very familiar face of an annoying jerk, Lucas. He too saw me and smirked as he walked towards us. I glared at him but he kept on walking with his signature smirk on his white face.
"Hello there Miss Fiona! How have you been?" He asked eyeing me from top to bottom.
"Better than you can imagine Alpha Lucas." I said, dropping a fake smile at him.
"We have to go." Star said. I nodded at her and went off towards another corner of the hall.
" I don't know why but I can't stand him." I said, fanning my face which had turned hot due to that fast walk.
"No one can stand him cause he is a total jerk. I remember when we used to go to high school, he would always be hanging out and would get a leave cause he was Alpha's son. Never got good grades and would eat up our lunch. He was a brat." Star puffed her cheeks out.
"I don't know why bullies exist." I rolled my eyes at Lucas who was trying to wink at me but end up closing his both eyes.
Annoying shit.
We waited there for most of the time cause most of the guests were elders. Maybe Lucas and I were the only young Alphas there. Sighing I kept on drinking the wine with Star who kept on blabbering about something.
After an hour, we were told to settle down and was served with dinner. Honestly,it looked delicious but I was very cautious about food that night. Star assured me that she'll see whether there's anything bad for me in the food. I slide the plate towards her who sniffed the food items gently and kept on passing the items that were of no harm. I ate the food with little interest but kept on eyeing Alpha Richard with every bite that I took. After dinner the Alphas decided to have a bit of talk so I and Star were left outside the cabin.
"Why is everything going so smooth? Alpha Richard should be dragged to death for what he did." Star puffed her lungs out and folded her arms.
"That rogue might be lying as well. Maybe it's someone else who did that."
"What about Lucas?" She asked in a hushed voice.
" I don't know....maybe." I sighed as I frisked my dress to make sure my weapons are on place. Suddenly one by one the Alphas left the cabin and only my dad, Alpha Richard and Lucas were inside the cabin. I decided to peek inside. I quietly peeped through the small creek at the door and saw my dad had his hands around Alpha Richard's throat, Lucas was trying to stop them but dad kept on shaking that old man like a sheet of paper.
I rushed inside without another thought and pushed dad away from Richard who had his canines elongated.
"I'll kill you!" My dad yelled at Richard who just scoffed in response.
"I didn't do anything Rage. Don't I have a life? I didn't send those rogues to your pack! I don't know what that piece of grit told you but it's not me. Get your intelligence department search that out for you!" Richard yelled at the top of his voice.
"Then why is that rogue telling us that it was you. You even promised to take them in." I said.
"What the hell! I didn't do it. Why would I?"
"You don't want me as an Alpha." I said out calmly.
"Yes! But I agreed when you said you'll prove yourself. Why would I try to destroy a pack just for a mere girl? I am not that kind of a person for fuck's sake!!" He yelled again, frustrated, he rubbed his head vigorously.
"Okay. But if we find one more clue about you, you'll die in my hands." I threatened him who just stared at me.
"Yeah. I'll wait for that to happen. What the fuck!" He stormed out of the cabin. Sighing I told dad to go to the car and I was left with Lucas in the cabin. He looked disturbed.
"Fiona, I didn't know your pack got attacked." He said and tried to touch my arm.
"Why do you care? You too should be careful. I have eyes on you as well." I gritted my teeth.
"Believe me, I don't do such petty things."
"We'll see."
I turned around to leave but he held my hand. Infuriated, I jerked my hand out of his grasp.
"Who told you that you can touch me?" I yelled which made his face go dull.
"Why do you hate me? What have I done? We just met a few times. What did I do to piss you off that way? I am just being friendly." He said with sadness in his eyes.
"I hate you. Don't ask me why. I just can't stand guys who flirt with a woman and then tell her that she can't rule. Back off Lucas." I said and stormed out of the cabin, leaving a very astonished Lucas back in the cabin. Sitting in the car back home, I felt Lucas was just being friendly with me. But one part of my heart said that he was not a good news. We turned towards the forest that divided Darkshield and Prestige clans. We were inside the forest for twenty minutes or so when we heard laughs of a few hyenas and wolves howling around us. Our driver panicked but kept on driving. My dad turned towards us.
"Girls, don't step out of the car unless I tell you to."
We nodded at his words and I found Star clasping my hand in her.
We kept on going , suddenly we crashed into a large brown Hyena.
"Gosh." Star said in a shaky voice.
The Hyena turned towards us with his jaw wide open for us. It made a terrifying sound, eyeing each one of us.
"Andrew, make sure you keep Fiona safe." My dad whispered to our driver who nodded at him. The Hyena started sniffing our car.
"We are in trouble."

They are in danger!! What will they do now?
What are your views on Alpha Richard? Is he the one who had sent those rogues? Stay tuned to know more, we have a long way to go. Also don't forget to like and comment on the chapters you like and do follow me ❤️


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