2.What now?

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"Wake up missy. What are you doing?"
I heard Laila knock at my door waking the shit out of me. I grunted, shifting in my covers.
" Open the door Fiona!" She fumed as she banged on the door.
"Coming!" I yelled at her. I opened the door and let the beautiful brunette inside my studio apartment which was in a mess.
" What have you done of yourself?" She asked as she tapped her feet on the concrete floor.
" I was drunk. And I slept for don't know how long." I yawned. The night before was amazing. We had a tiny party at one of my classmate's home where we were lightly drunk and ate till our stomachs ached. It was Saturday and I had my weekly off from the cafe. Fortunately the owner Mr. Alex didn't cut my wages for the day before but I did get a bit of scolding as we lost two customers.
What a shame!

Flash back*

After that incident where I had nearly killed Bert, I was in a daze. I don't know who had written that note and what actually happened to Bert and Kurt untill next month when Kurt showed up on my door and handed me my two months' money.
"Fiona, I am really sorry for whatever happened. I should have taken care of it." He patted my back.
"What about Bert?" I asked as I gulped down my anxiety.
"He will live. Sorry for whatever happened and I won't bother you from now on." He bowed a bit and then left in a hurry. Everything seemed so wrong and so messed up. I don't know why Kurt didn't take any action towards me and why did I feel like it was not me who tried killing Bert. My head throbbed as I tried recalling the previous night's incident but I could only remember till I bite Bert. A sharp pain in my jaws and a throbbing head made me curl up on the floor and I screamed with my all might. The lady next door came running.
"What happened darling? You hit yourself somewhere?" She asked, concerned. She ran her hand on my back and helped me get up from the floor and took me to my bed. Then she made a cup of tea for me and left when I fell asleep. That lady was Mylie, Laila's mother who had recently shifted the next door. Laila was a year older than me and a year ahead of me in highschool. She and I became friends, not the best ones but still friends and through the years we became closer. She knew every misfortune (except that unnatural thing that happened to me on that day) that I have seen and had deep sympathy for me. That's why she always took care of me as if I was her own sister.

End of flashback*

"So you are telling me you drank and made it to your room without causing any problem?" Laila went inside the kitchen to make something for us.
"Umhm. I was lightly drunk. You know I can't handle much alcohol."
"Yeah. But you still need to eat in order to keep yourself healthy."
We ate our breakfast and then headed for our respective jobs. She went to see her boyfriend, I went to my overtime at the cafe. Kurt had handed me a lot of money (which ofcourse was my hardwork) which helped me clear my school fees and also the debt I was put into by my 'parents'.
I pushed through the door of the cafe and started with my daily work of cleaning the tables and preparing the dishes and coffee machine when I got a message from Laila.
"Come ASAP. Highschool field."
I didn't have time for such drama. Laila would always call me at my work time to hang out with her other friends who would constantly ask me weird questions and try to invade in my personal space. I was an introverted person and I hated the company of those bitches who think low of me. What am I? A bug or something? Infuriated I texted her back.
"Can't. Have overtime."
I switched off my phone and started taking the orders of the customers that rushed through the front door for their morning coffee and breakfast.
Later that evening

"FIONA!!" Laila yelled through the door as she slammed it open. I flinced at her bursting into the room.
"What?" I yelled back at her.
" I called you. Highschool field. It was IMPORTANT!" She slammed her handbag on the bed.
" I won't be meeting your friends Laila. Leave me alone." I turned my back towards her. She led a fake laugh.
"Fiona, a boy, no no, a young man came looking for you." She stated in between her laughs.
"Who?" My heart thumped. I was praying it's neither Kurt nor Bert as I didn't want to face them.
" How will I know? What am I? A fortune teller or something? I told you to come and you didn't turn up. Is it my fault that I care for you?" She yelled.
"Did I blame you for anything in perticular? Laila, okay calm down. I am sorry I didn't take your words seriously. Now tell me what did he look like?" I tried calming her down.
She breathed out a heavy sigh and sat down on the bed.
"Tall, wore a white T-shirt and black ripped jeans. Hair colour - black, skin tone - tan. And he wore some green shades." She described.
"What about face shape?" I raised my eyebrows at her.
" I don't know. Maybe he has grey eyes. Clean shaved, chiselled jaw and he has a tattoo on his neck. A small one."
It was not sure that it wasn't Bert unless he decided to go black and tan. It won't be Kurt as he was short unless he decides to grow tall by some means. Who was this person now?
"And what did he ask about me?"
" He showed a baby picture of your's and asked - do you know her? Her name's Fiona. I guess age nineteen. And then I texted you to come and you didn't turn up and he thought I was lying. So he smiled and left, I don't know where." She shrugged , now a much cooler than before.
" Okay."
I sighed "what else has the God planned for me now?"

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