34. Escape

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The door opened after some time to reveal a lady in white overalls along with a white apron.
"Hello miss." She said in a robotic tone.
I gulped as I felt the coldness of metal piece on my lower stomach.
" I am here for a few tests that I have to run in order to make the transfer smooth and easy. Your cooperation will be needed. Kindly lay down on the bed." She said in a monotone voice and began fetching out tools out of her bag. She put on the rubber gloves and began examining my eyes and my body. I was afraid she would see the metal scrap so when she reached down to lift the gown I started coughing violently. I threw her hands away from me and started coughing while covering my mouth. I ran up to the sink and put my head above it and keeping my back towards the lady who now was almost frozen on her spot, I thrust my fingers into my throat which made me gag and throw up into the sink. In the commotion I was some how able to remove the metal plate and hide it in the tub and cover it with the rag. After a good couple minutes I stood up and wiped my mouth.
"Sorry I can't digest plain food." I smiled at her and went back to sit down on the metal bed.
"I can't work now since it's contaminated here. I will send the cleaner and after that I'll examine you." She said with a blank expression and packed her bag up. On reaching the door she waited for it to open and I could see she didn't have the access to that face recognition thing that the lady before had. Instead someone opened the door for her.
"It would have been useless to attack her." I breathed out a sigh. Once the lady was out I quickly grabbed the metal piece again. " The cleaning lady must be it." I waited patiently and then the door clicked open. The look on the lady's face was that of concern. "Miss did you feel unwell when I gave you the food? Was there something you're allergic to? I'll take care next time please forgive me." She had bought a fresh tub of water and a cloth and started cleaning my hands and feet. Once she reached for my face I quickly grabbed her throat. She whimpered and looked at me with wide eyes.
"Y-you can't d-do this! The-they will s-e-e yo-you." She managed a few words out. Instead I pulled the metal out of my hand and swiped it on her thigh through her dress slicing it. The fabric immediately started turning red.
"You see that works right? Now get me out of here or else I won't waste time in slicing your throat up next." I warned and pushed her forward, baring my teeth at her I told her to move. I pushed her head towards the door and yelled at her ,"Get me thru now!" I held the metal scrap dangerously near her throat and she turned her eyes towards the slot that I didn't notice before. The door opened with a click. I pushed her out and told her to lead me out of this place. If I get any trouble ahead I will not think twice and this thing will be into your head. She whimpered at my voice and lead the dark way. I held her neck from behind and made her walk and open all the gates that we came across. The first grilled gate was so small that only one could pass through it at a time. I held her hand tightly and made her go thru it first and when I squeezed myself the rails burned my skin. "Silver." I whispered through clenched teeth. Flinching every now and then I squeezed my body through it . Finally I was out of it. "They made good security." I thought to myself. The path squeezed in like a tunnel and every gate that we passed made more room for us. I nudged the lady to move fast and practically we were jogging through the dark way when she finally stopped at a large door. She turned to me. "Please listen to me. Please." She begged.
"What is it?" I said in a harsh tone.
"I have no idea of how to help you cause this way or the other I am going to die anyway. Either you kill me or they kill me." She took my hand in hers.
"Behind this door there are men, a lot of men who are ready to fire you with their guns the moment you get through this door. You can't get pass unless you're a worker. I don't know if you believe me but I feel sorry for you. No, no one would like to be in that cell, the one you were in but there are hundreds of us locked up in here. I was released just recently. There are cells all around this place meant for special experiments, to find cure for various ailments, to make superior wolves, to find immortality and people like you and me are just lab rats for the head of this  place. I still don't know what this place is called but it scares me. I have no memory of my life before I came here. The earliest memories that I have is that sleeping on a metal bed being examined by someone in a white suit. I was cooperative so they released me as a worker." She looked at me with teary eyes. "Although passing through this gate is meeting with death I want you to escape. But if you make it alive I want you to come back to this very place. This place holds hundreds of innocent lives. I don't even think most of them are alive but whoever is left, I want you to help us. I have a device here in my pocket." She tapped the side pocket of her skirt. "I could have easily tapped this on you, to electrocute you and call for back up but I didn't cause I am not under the influence of those higher ups. I wanted you to help us, something in your eyes made me feel like you can help. Please." She pleaded and cried.
"But how the hell am I going out of this place." I held her shoulders and made her look at me.
"We need to swap out dresses. You can hide your face with this hat and your hair." She started unbuttoning her coat and shirt and I wasted no time in getting rid of the lab gown. I quickly wiped my face on it and gave it to her and wore her uniform. She took out her hairpins and perfectly made my hair even cutting the front hair with the scissors she had in her pocket, just enough to cover my face and placed the white hat carefully. She cleaned my feet with the gown and made me wear her white boots and fetched a mask from the pocket of her coat. "I hope you make it alive but remember there are people here waiting for you." She forced a smile, her eyes still watery.
"I am the Alpha of Prestige Clan and we don't leave the weak behind. Lucas is going to see the end very soon and after that I will come and fetch each of you, especially you," I looked down at the badge that I wore that had her name engraved on it, "Marie, you are going to wait for me." She nodded smiling brilliantly and I saw a little resemblance with me. I tilted my head towards her thinking " do I know her?" She wasted no time and ran back towards the darkness of the tunnel and I turned towards the rusty door. The tag on my palm felt heavy. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Sephatis help me. I swiped the tag on the door and it opened slowly, the sunlight stung my eyes and the whip of fresh air almost made me dizzy. I adjusted my head once again and walked through the gate and surely there were armoured men who looked back at me. I was stopped by one burly man who looked at me up and down and pointed towards the skirt.
"What is this?" He cocked his eyebrows up.
I looked down and gulped. I tried to change my voice a bit and spoke up.
"Ah, the miss there had hit herself and I tried to help her so it got on me. Nothing to worry." I nodded and squinted my eyes to show that I was smiling through the mask.
"And what about the slice?" He reached and touched the material.
"Ah the metal bed is a bit sharp when I helped her get up on the bed my skirt got stuck in there. I'll go get changed now." He nodded and let me go. I hurriedly passed them and went to another door that said servants quarter. I swiped my tag again and went inside. Quickly I searched for a new dress and wore it. "Okay now no one's gonna ask about the stain." I peeped through the door and saw a few men patrolling on the corridor. I fixed my mask again and walked out of the room. One of them turned to me and smiled. "Marie, fancy seeing you here. Don't you have errands to run?" He folded his arms and leaned on the wall.
"Oh hi there...." Shit I don't know his name.
"Why are you wearing a mask here? Are you okay beautiful?" He leaned in to look at me.
"Oh I am perfectly fine. Thank you, that was sweet of you." I waved my hand and slipped my way around him.
"See you around." He waved back. Gosh where is the way out. I trotted my way here and there looking for a door or something but found nothing. It was like a maze, filled with armoured men who nodded at me once or twice. No one stopped me but also I was getting nowhere so I returned back to the servant's quarter and decided to wait there. Maybe some other servant will come there and get me a way out. I waited and waited and finally a petite lady came to the room. Her hat was in her hand and she was fanning herself, rather tired.
"Hi Marie." She smiled at me as I sat on a chair. I instantly stood up.
"Hi.....Darla." I looked at her tag and smiled.
"What are you doing here? I didn't see you at the dinning hall too. Is everything okay?" She came and touched my forehead.
"Oh I just didn't feel like eating, just have a little cough." I adjusted my mask.
"Oh okay. Don't go out in the cold. It has become quite chilly nowadays." She removed her coat and wore a pink tshirt that hung from the cupboards.
"I....I don't even remember where the outside is. I am sorry Darla but I think I am loosing my memories again." I boldly made up a story and she flunged back her neck at me with such force that I heard it pop. She stared at me dead and I nearly died. Damn Fiona you're busted now.
"How could you know the outside when you are assigned for the halls?" She eyed me suspiciously.
"I-I....I mean....uh...,"
"Ah that's why you don't know what the outside is cause you never went there. Haha so silly of me." She started laughing hitting her head playfully. I sighed and laughed with her.
"How about we switch our postions tomorrow?" Darla suggested as she crouched beside me.
"Switch?" I wasn't sure what to say. One wrong word and I'll get busted.
"Yeah. You run the errands outside tomorrow and I watch the halls. I see you miss going out." She patted my head, pouting.
"Well if only that's possible." I looked down at my hands, the nails chipping from the ordeal with that metal bed. I quickly hid them under the coat.
"Why not! Come on we can switch positions at times. No one's gonna know, well how will they when we look so alike. We just need to switch our name tags and done! Come one I am tired of running around all the time I too wanna be here under sir conditioning to feel at ease. I have got all tan lines because of that harsh Sun." She pouted and nudged me. "Come on please." She looked at me with doe eyes. Does she even have an idea how much I am dying to get out of this place.
"Okay Darla but if we get caught I will tell them it was your plan." I warned and laughed when she threw thumbs ups at me.
"Tomorrow it is then." She hooked her arms with mine and told me to get changed. She pulled out some mattresses and pillows from other cupboards and handed me mine. They really have no real beds here. We slept on the floor and after a good couple of hours others joined us too. So there were six of us cramped up in a small room and they fell instantly. When I get back I'll make sure these people will get beds to sleep in. I thought and pretended to sleep.
The next morning we all got ready and Darla handed me her name tag and I gave her mine. She kept on asking why I didn't remove my mask even while sleeping. I just made up an excuse that I did remove it but she was asleep then. She was easy to sway and others...well they didn't even care. Everyone scurried off to their stations and Darla escorted me to the door which led to 'outside' of this place. I placed a hand on my eyes when the blaring sun shone directly at us.
"Told you. The Sun is cruel these days." She shrugged and waved before skipping inside. The outside was nothing but a field stretched across a large distance and surrounded by various buildings. Of course I knew the place. The field would take us to that arena, the one I fought against many people that day. The day I killed Laila, well according to Lucas. I quickly made my way towards the arena. But one jolt of energy stopped me. I looked down at my hand and my nails got healed. I gulped when I heard the voice. "I am finally out." Aziza's huff made my iris dilated. "Oh thank the Moon goddess you're finally free." I sighed. Not wasting any more time I got my sharp smelling instincts to work. The smell of Lucas lathered the entire place making it hard to find some clue but then I did. The smell of my mate was strong in the direction of what seemed the town hall. I growled internally and took long strides towards the tall building. I was just about to enter the place when someone snatched and threw me across the wall.
"What the actual hell?" I cursed loudly but a rough hand covered my mouth.
"Darla what are you doing here? It's forbidden to get into the main building are you kidding m-," He spoke up in a hush.
"Ugh I am so done with this shit." Aziza roared in my mind.
"Listen I don't know who you are but I am warning you. Get away from me before you regret getting close." I said in a frustrated tone.
"The fuck Darla I am trying to help." He said. He wore the same kind of white suit and pants and I assumed he was a worker too.
"I don't have time for this let me go." I pushed him aside but he grabbed my arm.
"I SAID GET THE FUCK AWAY." I yelled and a trail of blue flame flickered through my arms to his and made him jump away from me. He held his arm and crouched below, screaming in agony. I wasted no time and ran inside the building and before I entered I heard the man yell into his walkie talkie "There's an intruded in main building."
"Shit!!" I cursed out loud and threw my hat away. I ran up inside and saw Lucas sitting on the couch with a few people laughing at something. When his eyes met me they turned wide in shock.
"Who the fuck let her out!" He screamed and all the people around scurried away.
"Guess we need some action here, Lucas." I laughed and leaped for him. From the corner of my eyes I could see some men approaching me.
"Aziza! We need to get this done! Sephatis, I'll need you too."

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