Family Growing Pains (PT3)

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The play turns out to be great.

Better than.

Peter has been babbling about going to see Hamilton for the longest time and now it had finally happened Tony couldn't be more pleased.

Peter couldn't either. He was buzzing all the way out of their top-class seats and the lobby and away in Happy's Limo that even he was momentarily blanked with surprise when they stepped up to the restaurant and standing offset to the door, dressed in a fitting blue suit, was Steve.

Tony looked up when Peter paused, and his steps stuttered. Immediately a wave of pure panic washed over his face.

If Peter hadn't been so immediately keyed up just by the sight of Steve, he'd have laughed. Instead, he stepped forwards, pulling at the collar of his shirt, "Thanks... for um- for coming... ehm- Steve."

Steve smiled down at him, face soft. He nodded at Peter, before shooting his eyes towards Tony, who was, for all intents and purposes, still rebooting his brain.

It took him a long moment before he stepped up beside Peter, taking the kid in under his arm, "Hey, Steve, why are you here?" He asked, defensive.

"Peter asked me to come." Steve says, a placating hand on Tony's shoulder, "We talked."

Tony gapes, glancing between the awkward Peter and the almost sheepish Steve.

"Okay?" He said, simply taking Steve's hand from his shoulder and lacing it into his.

He kept his other arm around Peter's shoulders, "Kid?" He asked.


There was a knock at his bedroom door.

Peter leaned back on his chair, groaning as he tossed off his headphones, "Come in!"

The door cracked open a little, revealing Steve.

Peter's face immediately hardened, and he disconnected himself from the voice chat he was on. If this was going to turn into a fight-

"I'm sorry."

Peter blinked. What?

Steve took the silence as a motion to continue, "I'm sorry I've been pushing. But you should know- I want to do more- be more, with your Dad. I'm not just in it for... material things or money or sex or anything like that. I like him. And uh-" He stutters, "I-uh- think you should know that."

Peter blinks again. Whatever he had been expecting, he hadn't expected that. He'd definitely have betted on more... patriotic self righteousness.

Steve just stares back, hopeful. Eventually though, he sighs and moves to close the door behind him, but Peter catches him, "We're going to a musical this weekend..." He starts.


Peter nods at his dad, smiling, "Yeah. It's okay." He says, before Tony drags them together and they all steered themselves towards the restaurant.

It was vaguely fancy but not too pretentious and the hostess at the door gave them a wide smile when she saw them. She waved them to a quiet table at the back and once they'd placed their orders brought them forwards promptly.

By the end of the meal, Peter was slurping up ice cream and smiling at Steve's story of his childhood best friend and Tony was leaning into his side, eyes droopy, happy as anything.

The limo was waiting for them when they exited, and no one questioned Steve's presence joining them back up to the apartment afterwards.

A/N: And that's a wrap! There is technically a sequel to this story that I planned but never wrote where Steve bonds with Peter more and meets Wade, so... I haven't written Marvel in years but you guys are still so active, if that's something you want, then I'd love to write it :)

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